SAX parser can report contiguous text using multiple characters events. This is often unexpected and can cause obscure bugs or require complicated adjustments to SAX handlers. By inserting text_normalize_filter into the SAX handler chain all downstream parsers are ensured that all text nodes in the document Infoset are reported as a ...
Often when a program adds some XML markup to a plain-text document, it doesn't retain the original whitespace formatting. This script determines the character offsets the XML elements should have had in the original document. ...
One of the few problems with using Python to process XML is the speed -- if the XML becomes somewhat large >(1Mb), it slows down exponentially as the size of the XML increases. One way to increase the processing speed is to break the XML down via tag name. This is ...
The BuildBot is a system to automate the compile/test cycle required by most software projects to validate code changes. By automatically rebuilding and testing the tree each time something has changed, build problems are pinpointed quickly, before other developers are inconvenienced by the failure.The guilty developer can be identified and harassed ...
This script takes an xml file as input and output a colorized version of this file, using html or docbook (with emphasis elements and a particular role). It provides a little command line interface and it's really easy to configure your output. ...
This script is a Python implementation of few lines of C-code that get useful information about current working console on Windows. It may be useful for console application to proper formatting output. Recipe need ctypes package to be installed. When use handle of stdout for determining size of console and connect output of ...
DrPython is a highly customizable, extensible editor/environment for developing programs written in the Python programming Language. It is implemented in wxPython. Features: - Cross Platform - Works anywhere wxPython works, adopts the native look and feel of the host os. - Built with Scintilla - Syntax Highlighting and Styling Built ...
This script solves the "tail-problem" for prose-oriented XML. It recursively pulls text out of elements and their sub-elements and extracts text from DocBook, XMHTL, and other nested XML markup. ...
Faces is a powerful and free project management tool. faces stands for flexible, automated, calculating, extendible, simulating. It is based on python, an easy to learn and powerful programming language. ...
Gambit is a library of game theory software and tools for the construction and analysis of finite extensive and strategic games. Gambit provides: - A graphical user interface, based upon the wxWidgets library, providing a common interface with native look-and-feel across platforms. - A Python API for scripting applications. ...
Gaphor is an easy to use modeling environment. This means that you are able to create nice UML diagrams for documentation and to assist you with design decisions.Gaphor will help you create your applications. Features: - Gaphor has a UML 2.0 compliant data model. This guarantees future compatibility with other modeling ...
This class can be used to write code that will parse command line options for an application by invoking one of the standard Python library command argument parser modules optparse or getopt. The class first tries to use optparse. It it is not there (< Python 2.3), it invokes getopt. However, ...
The HTMLTags module defines a class for each valid HTML tag, written in uppercase letters. To create a piece of HTML, the general syntax is : t = TAG(innerHTML, key1=val1,key2=val2,...) . ...
IDLEfork project was an official experimental development fork of Python's small, light, 'bundled' integrated development environment, IDLE.The objective was to develop a version of IDLE which had an execution environment which could be initialized prior to each run of user code. ...