Graphs & Charts scripts - Top 4 Download

Graphs & Charts script downloads


pChart is a PHP class oriented framework designed to create aliased charts. Data can be retrieved from SQL queries, CSV files, or manually provided. Focus has been put on rendering quality introducing an aliasing algorithm to draw eye candy graphics. In fact, quality is slowing down the renderer engine.This class can ...

HTML Graphs Python

Use this script to create horizontal / vertical bar graphs, progress bars and faders. You can create simple graphs and even grouped bar graphs with legends, add labels, change colors etc. No graphics or graphical libraries required. This script was tested with Python 2.4 ...


JChart2D is an minimalistic charting library . It is designed for displaying multiple traces consisting of tracepoints. JChart2D is centered around a single configureable swing widget: the Chart2D. It is a JComponent one can add to a java swing user interface. Features: - Easy usage: only a few lines of code ...

Microfi PyPlot

Microfi PyPlot is an easy-to-use function plotter. It is completely open-source, so you can edit it as you feel necessary. The main goal of this project is to provide a clean interface for school teachers and students that want to study math. ...

HTML Graphs Javascript

HTML-Graphs could be used to create horizontal / vertical bar graphs, progress bars and faders.You can create simple graphs and even grouped bar graphs with legends, add labels, change colors etc. No graphics ped bar gcal libraries are required. ...


is a web tool to generate dynamic charts on the fly. The component is written in PHP and GD and it generates graphs in PNG format. At the moment exist Percentage, Bars and Pie styles. ...


GraPHPite is a highly customizable utility written in PHP for creating charts or graphs (Bar, Area, Pie, etc). Users are encouraged to switch to PEAR::Image_Graph which is based on GraPHPite source. GraPHPite is in maintenance only state. ...


PHPCallGraph generates static call graphs for PHP source code using the CodeAnalyzer of the InstantSVC project and the DOT tool. The graphs can be leveraged to gain a better understanding of large software systems or even to debunk design flaws in them. ...


PanaChart is a PHP class for online charts creation using PHP and the GD image manipulation library. It makes it easy to plot several types of charts with less then 10 lines of code. It is suited for any scientific or business web application. ...


PLChart (PHP-Light-Chart) is a PHP class for building pie(2D/3D), column(2D/3D), groupcolumn(2D/3D), line(single/multiple) and radar jpegextensionith GD2 extension. It can be run under PHP4 and PHP5. ...


This OCX control draws and pie charts, bar charts and line graphs. The resulting graph can be displayed, saved to a file, copied to the clipboard or exported as binary data. Exported graphics can be in BMP, PNG, GIF, JPG or PCX. Features: - Produce 2D bar charts and pie charts ...


This is a COM object which dynamically draws pie charts, bar charts and line graphs. The resulting graph can be streamed to a browser or saved to a file. It can be used with default settings to create graphs quickly and easily, or customised to suit your web page. Graphics formats ...


GreatCharts is a program which will let you draw a wide range of stock-charts, for example Candlestick, OHLC and functions like MAC, Stochastic, RSI, etc. Chart can be plotted in a very configurable way, to any picture size. ...

Aurigma FlashChart

Aurigma FlashChart™ is a long-awaited component for data visualization. It generates various kinds of charts in Macromedia Flash™ format. FlashChart™ is a must have component for everyone who needs to display data as charts. Judge for yourself: Macromedia Flash™ is a very wide-spread format - overwhelming majority of Internet users have ...


netCHARTING enables your web site to display massive amounts of dynamically generated data quickly and easily through a visual interface.Built with 100% managed code and the C# language and provided with extensive samples in both VB.NET and C#, this high performance charting control also contains a feature rich data access and ...


phPie() is a PHP4 script that creates a PNG- (or GIF- or JPG-) format pie chart, with optional legend. ...