Development Tools C# scripts - Top 4 Download

Development Tools C# script downloads

iPod Control

iPod Control facilitates the usage of your iPod on multiple computers, by keeping the iPod's preferences local to a guest (Windows) computer -- preventing the annoying "Overwrite Library?" dialog and exposing additional functionality. The code is compatible with the next types of operating systems: 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP), All 32-bit MS Windows ...


The idea of this project is to provide an easy way to connect to a Mantis installation via a SOAP webservice. MantisConnect is a PHP webservice that is built on top of Mantis API. Being a webservice allows easy creation of proxy clients from languages like Java, PHP, Perl, and others. ...

Ming Sharp

Ming-Sharp is an open-source (LGPL) library which allows you to create SWF ("Flash") format movies. Ming supports almost all of Flash 4's features, including: shapes, gradients, bitmaps (pngs and jpegs), morphs ("shape tweens"), text, buttons, actions, sprites ("movie clips"), streaming mp3, and color transforms--the only thing that's missing is sound events. ...