Development Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Development Tools script downloads


It is currently in testing, subsequent releases are gonna be incompatible with the previous ones. ...


Currently Cfunge supports several fingerprints. Key features "Cfunge": · Sandbox mode, prevents programs from harming system (more details below). · Advance tracing support, debugging protocol support system under development. · Passes mycology (of course other conforming interpreters does this, but most interpreters are, sadly, not conforming). · Tested using Valgrind ...


It is designed to work with Amazon’s Web Services such as SQS and S3 to distribute image and data processing across multiple severs to alleviate the need for heavy-duty data and image processing on web application servers.Amazon's SQS distributive system handles interprocess messaging and Amazon's S3 handles data storage.If the developer ...


The library intendeds to simplify HTTP 1.1 request for authentication, caching, header requests, responses and more. Key features "Resourceful": · GET, PUT, POST and DELETE HTTP requests · HTTP Basic and Digest authentication · HTTP Caching with pluggable back-ends · Follow redirects based on the results of a callback ...

SGI Standard Template Library

It includes some low-level mechanisms for allocating and de-allocating system memory.The STL is a generic  library, meaning that its components are heavily parameterized: almost every component in the STL is a template. ...


There are actually two implementations of MapReduce, the MaPI framework for multicomputers and the MapMP librabry for multiprocessors. ...


The application takes advantage of the fact that in an identity managed environment, there are several copies of a user across multiple LDAP sources. ...

KSI Scheme Interpreter

It can be used as a stand-alone interpreter or as an extension library. ...

UJO Framework

UJO is an abbreviation for Unified Java Object and it is similar in implementation to JavaBean, but different from it in architecture and methods. Key features "UJO Framework": · Very simple introspection · Serialization to / from formats XML, CSV and Resource bundle · UJO object controls an access to ...

Multiprotocol Instant Messenger Annotations Library

It provides a simple annotation-driven API for developing messaging business functionality and messenger bots over the AIM, Yahoo, GTalk/Jabber and IRC protocols. Key features "Multiprotocol Instant Messenger Annotations Library": · Single interface for many common messengers, including AIM, Yahoo! and IRC. · Integrated custom classloader to allow seamless integration of ...

Pyjamas Desktop

Desktop applications developed with Pyjamas-Desktop (Pyjd) will also function as web applications, since pyjd is actually a port of Pyjamas, which is a web toolkit. Key features "Pyjamas-Desktop": · Simple, Horizontal, Vertical, Docking, Decking, Popup, Stack, Tab, Grid, Cell, Flow, HTML, Flex, Scroll, Focus, Absolute, and Root Panels · Text ...


It allows writing web applications in Python, which is more suitable performance-wise for medium to large applications.The AJAX library takes care of all the browser interoperability issues on your behalf, leaving you free to focus on application development instead of learning all the "usual" browser incompatibilities. Key features "Pyjamas": · ...


It is based on Java jdk 1.5 or later and runs in any Servlet Spec 2.4 or later compliant web-container, like Apache tomcat 6. Key features "ztemplates": · based on annotations and autodiscovery · no XML configuration · statefree · no constraints on the url format · REST-ful urls: define ...

JBoss JRunit

JRunit is a project to aid in adding benchmarking to JUnit based test cases as well as providing a framework extension to JUnit to allow for distributed client/server based tests.It is important to note that JRunit is not a replacement for the popular test framework JUnit, but an extention to it ...

JBoss Web Services

JBossWS is a JAX-WS compliant web service stack developed to be part of JBoss' Java EE5 offering.JAX-WS brings to web services what EJB3 brings to EJB. With its greatly simplified programming model and functional enhancements it is desigend to take the place of previous JAX-RPC web service implementations. Features - Full ...


PHPlib is a PHP application development framework that provides you with an easy to manage Object Oriented way to handle sessions, authentication and permissions in your PHP application. PHPlib also has serveral helper classes, prominent amongst them are the DB_sql, template, OOH forms and cart.The library will help you to write ...

JBoss Transactions

JBossTS is a pure Java multi-modal transaction service that supports distributed transactions in CORBA, J2EE and Web services environments.The JBoss Transaction Service (JBossTS) protects businesses from data corruption by guaranteeing complete, accurate business transactions for Java based applications (including those written for the JEE and EJB frameworks) thereby eliminating the risks ...


JBossESB is the next generation of EAI - better and without the vendor-lockin characteristics of old.As such, many of the capabilities mirror those of existing EAI offerings: Business Process Monitoring, Integrated Development Environment, Human Workflow User Interface, Business Process Management, Connectors, Transaction Manager, Security, Application Container, Messaging Service, Metadata Repository, Naming ...

JBoss Microcontainer

The JBoss Microcontainer is a refactoring of JBoss's JMX Microkernel to support direct POJO deployment and standalone use outside the JBoss application server. Features - All the features of the JMX Microkernel - Direct POJO deployment (no need for Standard/XMBean or MBeanProxy) - Direct IOC style dependency injection - Improved lifecycle ...

JBoss Application Server

JBoss Application Server (JBoss AS) is the market-leading, open source Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EETM) application server, delivering a high-performance, enterprise-class platform for developing and deploying e-business applications.JBoss AS not only delivers the performance and reliability expected from an industrial strength application platform, it enables customers to scale technically and economically ...