Development Tools PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

Development Tools PHP script downloads

ActiveLink PHP XML Package

ActiveLink PHP XML Package provides an easy interface to parse, read, modify, and output XML and XML documents. ActiveLink PHP XML Package is purely implemented in PHP and does not require any PHP XML extensions (including xml or domXML). Provided classes are: XML, XMLDocument, XMLBranch, XMLLeaf, RSS, Tag, Tree, Branch, Leaf, ...

Advanced Site System

Advanced Site System is a Very Easy WebSystem that can do lots of work for you. It has a login system, menu edit system and it uses AJAX. You only have to create pages(php,html) upload them and add them to the menu. ...


AjaxAC is an open-source framework written in PHP, used to develop/create/generate AJAX applications. The fundamental idea behind AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) is to use the XMLHttpRequest object to change a web page state using background HTTP sub-requests without reloading the entire page. It is released under the terms of the ...


AjaxCore is an open source PHP framework that aims the ease development of rich AJAX applications, using Prototype's JavaScript standard library.This means it uses Prototype as the core for making the AJAX requests, as it's proven to be reliable on any browser, plus adding all Prototype's features and shortcuts that reduce ...


ajaxPHPterm is an AJAX terminal/shell emulator for PHP, based on the PHPterm project. It acts as a terminal and allows you to execute shell commands within your browser, even in a hosted environment. Added AJAX makes it behave more like a real shell. ...

Akorn RDS

The Akorn RDS is an OS, browser, and database independent application infrastructure written in PHP that enables the rapid construction of robust secure applications. It includes customizable CSS based interface, PDF reporting, and much more. ...


AmpIT is a way to develop standalone Apache/Mysql/Php applications in windows, with the ease of PHP and the flexibility of a web browser. The side project WebAmpIT also works as a out-of-the-box functional web server. ...

Another PHP Extension

Another PHP Extension is a PHP-driven Template Abstraction Layer. Features: - Fast - never recompiles unchanged templates. - Clever - caches all work results. - Flexible - no hardcoded operators. - Powerful - can overload HTML tags. - Friendly - operators looks like HTML tags. ...

Application Server for PHP

PAS, Application Server for PHP, breaks down Web application in small XML and PHP files. Features : - code reuse, - packaging, - database abstraction, - easy integration with IDEs, - apply M.V.C. patern (separate business logic and front end GUI). ...


arbplate is an easy to use and powerful PHP based template system that allows the seperation of code and design. This will include some database abstraction, as well as a user authentication system. ...


Argiope is a set of php modules and classes that you can use for free to build dynamic websites. Argiope uses an architecture called Arcadia to process web requests. Because the Arcadia architecture is completely modular, you can change particular elements on your website without having to change everything. The code is compatible ...


When working on big PHP projects one of the big problems is where you stop developing the application itself and where the look and feel starts. And if you only have to develop the processes and the graphical desing is made by another person or team, then the problems turns into ...

Asterisk PHP Voicemail

Asterisk PHP Voicemail is a very simple PHP-based Web interface to Asterisk's standard voice mail system. It is designed to be an alternative to the Web-based voicemail system that ships with Asterisk because of the potential security risks of using a setuid root Perl script. ...

Auction Framework

Auction Framework is a complete auction framework to be implemented within any website whose host supports PHP and a mainstream Database system (such as MySQL). The framework is highly customizable and easy to install. It also supports secure transactions. ...


bblocked is a state of the art proxy script created in PHP (compatible with both PHP4 >= 4.3.0 and PHP5) in order to free people from the unfair restraints of various filtering and to ensure that in the open internet, user’s privacy is never compromised. This is mainly done by processing ...

BGTSoftware SSC

The BGTSoftware SSC is a style-sheet creator that uses PHP, XHTML and JAVASCRIPT. It uses a nice graphical user interface that generates a hip and happening style-sheet customised to you, ready to use in minutes. ...

Blogger Data API

The Blogger data API allows client applications to view and update Blogger content in the form of Google data API ("GData") feeds. Your client application can use GData to create new blog posts, edit or delete existing posts, and query for posts that match particular criteria.Here are some of the things ...


C.A.S.I.M.I.R. is an acronym standing for "Simplified Machine Images Creation and Administration Using the Network".CASIMIR is a web-based PHP/MySQL interface which controls over SSH-secured connexions qemu/kvm virtual machines dispatched over several physical servers. It also provides to administrators the ability to delegate control of these machines to other users. ...


Catapult is a web based xml content editor for small web sites that is designed for people not familiar with XML or HTML to update content easily and effectively. The idea is that the editor can be added to a web site quickly and provide a simple content management solution. The ...


Changelog is a small php script that is meant to help multiple webmasters/developers keep track of latest updated files on a website or project. It is very easy to install and use. ...