PHP Wife is a web aplication Framework written in PHP 5 and released under the GPL License.It implements the Model View Controller design pattern and features : - Ajax Integration - Database Abstraction using the PDO class - An abstract Data Access Object, which allows you to write a ...
slimrad is a RAD (Rappid Application Development) environment based on PHP. With this tool you can build database backend-ed web applications in hours.The code is easy to customize to suit your need. It can be rapidly integrated into your own projects. ...
eXtremePHP is a PHP Library that offers a complete collection of frameworks that make all aspects of web development easier. The library offers html tag classes, database access framework, extended form processing, great xml capability, etc. ...
Deer - Template Engine is simple template engine which allows you separate PHP code and (X)HTML layout(s). Deer is programmed in PHP5 and doesn`t requires any PHP extensions. The goal of project is to be most used template engine as php extension. Has support for variables, conditions, dynamic blocks, etc. It`s ...
Open CSP is a Framework for Web Applications (Content Management System,Shop, Portal...) written in PHP with mySQL or ORACLE database interface. It generates HTML-forms out of database and has objects to handle input, update, delete records. ...
Advanced Site System is a Very Easy WebSystem that can do lots of work for you. It has a login system, menu edit system and it uses AJAX. You only have to create pages(php,html) upload them and add them to the menu. ...
phpMyORM is a Object Relational Mapping library for PHP and MySQL. It supports basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Destroy) functionality from within PHP objects. It does this by creating SQL based on info describing your PHP objects and database layout. ...
Xherkin is a new PHP framework. It is not trying to be a Ruby, cake or zend clone, but rather a developers tool to build websites and not take the fun out of coding, while still making it easy to add new content by non developers. ...
Virtual Template is a new template class, written in PHP. It allows you a fast developement for your site. It's VERY easy to use and provides fast processing capabilities ! ...
The Stratos Framework is an open-source, object-oriented web application framework that facilitates the rapid development of well-organized, secure, and maintainable PHP web applications. The goal of Stratos is to provide an extensible framework that is easy to learn, use, and configure.Stratos frees you from working on tedious, routine tasks, and allows ...
WASH (Web Admin SHell) is a starter kit and support environment for the development of back end admin systems. PHP/ MySQL based, it is empowered by Smarty for content management, and open source project msdb supporting libraries. ...
dotProject is a PHP web-based project management framework that includes modules for companies, projects, tasks (with Gantt charts), forums, files, calendar, contacts, tickets/helpdesk, multi-language support, user/module permissions and themes. ...
KeywordsGen is a keyword generator of webpage(s) by using PHP and MySQL. The primary purpose of KeywordsGen is to automatically generate the hyper-link to all the defined keywords on webpages and update links when pages changed. ...
XiTemplate is an easy to use and very fast PHP template engine. Although PHP is technically a template system by itself since PHP code and HTML code can coexist in the same file, XiTemplate addresses some common problems with this approach. XiTemplate is not the only template engine available so this ...
WASP is a powerful web application framework built on PHP 5. WASP strives to allow web developers to make great applications with more fun and less code, but in the familiar playground of PHP.WASP was written from the ground up in pure Object Oriented PHP5. WASP fully utilizes all of the ...
This class implements methods to check if a URL or file is well-formed XML. If not the class supplies methods to return the error message, line number and column number. If the source is well-formed the class provides methods to return the number of elements, attributes, text_sections, size of text sections ...
QuiXplorer is a multi-user, web-based file-manager. It allows you to manage and/or share files over the internet, or an intranet.The latest version provides the following functionality: - Browsing directories; showing names, file sizes, file types, modification times and permissions - Copying, moving and deleting files - Searching for files ...
Flat Frog is a templating engine working in php. It allows the most usefull functions : loops, test, switch, inclusion of files and plugin capabilities. It has compiling and caching capabilites. ...
Project Manager provide you PHP/MySQL scripts for project management, with an hierarchical view, custom databases, files and notes attached to each node and a user access control system. ...