Development Tools PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

Development Tools PHP script downloads


FlushPHP is one quick develop php application framework.use php mysql base. FlushCMS is use this framework.FlushCMS is a Content Mangage System. If your want to quick create and easy manage your own web site, FlushPHP could be your solution. ...


Perl and PHP are two of the most popular languages for creating dynamic web content. The PHPerl Project aims to combine the power (and extensive code libraries!) of both languages. PHPerl links a Perl interpreter into the PHP module for Apache. It provides a PHP API for managing Perl interpreters and ...


Slacker is a host management and dynamic website creation tool that utilizes PHPReactor, PHP, MySQL and Apache.With slacker you can add users, create virtual hosts, and their dynamic websites including the backends, sms messenger, instant messenger, user logins, user list, mass emailer, calendar, webalizer stats, backup, phpReactor message boards/cards/polls/search/user profiles, skins, ...


phpXIedit is a web based application to edit, validate and preview XML documents. This program gives you a structured view of the XML data. It has support for multiple XML formats: SVG, DocBook, XHTML and more. phpXIedit is written in PHP. ...

PHP Dump Maker

PHP Dump Maker  is a smart PHP backup tool. Reads given SRC subdirs, creates set of directories filled (or linked) with the content of SRC, made to fit given capacity. Featuresps, ISO creation, on-the freation, on-the file splitting, index creating and dex creating and more. ...


ezXML is a C library for parsing XML documents inspired by simpleXML for PHP. As the name implies, it's easy to use. It's ideal for parsing XML configuration files or REST web service responses. It's also fast and lightweight (less than 20k compiled). ...


Catapult is a web based xml content editor for small web sites that is designed for people not familiar with XML or HTML to update content easily and effectively. The idea is that the editor can be added to a web site quickly and provide a simple content management solution. The ...

PfP Studio

PfP Studio is a visual programming system for rapid application development (RAD) of Web based forms using PHP and Javascript. The frontend runs in a browser. It is intended to complement the skills of the developer rather than masking out the base languages. PfP is a TLA for PHP Form Painter. ...

HTML Parser for PHP

This is an open source HTML parser written in PHP. This parser also comes with a tool that converts HTML to text, as an example. This parser is designed for speed and flexibility. It does not create an object model for you. But it doesn't prevent you from using its results ...


JaPHPaDoc application is just another PHP Documentor. It is a documentation generator for PHP functions and/or classes. It was inspired by javadoc. ...

Lightweight PHP SMPP API

Lightweight PHP implementation of the SMPP 3.3 and SMPP 3.4 API. It includes the SMPP receiver and SMPP transmitter implementations. ...


This is a collaborative web-based system for projects and project management; WebCollab is easy to use, and encourages users to work together. The software is functionally elegant and secure without being cumbersome for users, or graphically intensive. The software is ideally suited to tracking multiple projects and innumerable small tasks across ...

Common HTML GUI Widgets

Common HTML GUI Widgets is a library for PHP that is used in every website that uses PHP and MySQL. It may speed up production of websites. It makes coding easier and aids the benefit for possible RAD envionment programs. ...

PHP Active Code Library

PHP Active Code Library is a PHP 5 class used to store and call PHP files that are stored in a database. The files are stored in a plain text field and not a binary field. PHP ACL also takes care of include/require calls. If a file includes another file stored ...

Spike PHPCoverage

Spike PHPCoverage is an open-source tool for measuring and reporting code coverage provided by the test suite of a PHP application. Spike PHPCoverage can instrument and record the line coverage information for any PHP script at runtime. Spike PHPCoverage also provides an extensible reporting mechanism with a standard HTML report implemented ...


HTML2PHP API is a complete set of classes for building Web Systems according the W3C HTML 4.01 Specification, over 80 classes including methods for setting and getting VALID attributes, you won't write different versions of your site for correct browser rendering, you will be always using W3C HTML 4.01 specification, also ...


phpCVSView is aimed at being the only tool you will need if you run a website for a project using CVS for your source control. It currently provides "pserver" connectivity to your source repository. The idea behind phpCVSview was to be a web based CVS viewer written in PHP and an ...


When working on big PHP projects one of the big problems is where you stop developing the application itself and where the look and feel starts. And if you only have to develop the processes and the graphical desing is made by another person or team, then the problems turns into ...


AjaxCore is an open source PHP framework that aims the ease development of rich AJAX applications, using Prototype's JavaScript standard library.This means it uses Prototype as the core for making the AJAX requests, as it's proven to be reliable on any browser, plus adding all Prototype's features and shortcuts that reduce ...

PHP Docbook Displayer

PHP Docbook Displayer provides XSL and CSS stylesheets, and PHP scripts, to generate easily and dynamically websites from Docbook files. It aims at simplifying to the max the web publication process : simply drop the docbook file under the site root ! ...