cvsphpview is based on phpBrowseCVS 1.0, it provides a simple PHP class to access CVS repositories from local or remote (not soon). It can do any of following jobs: lists, logs,diffs,annotates,checkouts. ...
Templates – in the various scripting languages - are a common approach, as they separate the layout from the code. However these templates are often a simplified programming language, and they may be only slightly less difficult to handle for a webdesigner than a php page. The template system in twais ...
Pwee is a PHP extension that gives web developers the ability to expand the PHP runtime environment.Developers can use XML to define and add custom constants and variables that are accessible to each script.Pwee is a PHP extension that lets developers expand the PHP runtime environment using XML to define and ...
CTLF is a lightweight PHP web-application framework providing simple object loading mechanism and modular application structure. It lets you easily load predefined objects in any place of your code. It also allows grouping these objects into modules ...
UPCASE stands for User Platform of Collaborative Applications for the Social Economy. The UPCASE software is a generic installer of PHP and MySQL applications. Each supported software is considerd as package available via our package-server. ...
Easy-Dev is a framework written in PHP meant to provide software developers with a set of tools to speed up development. Features include: - templating system, - lightweight DBAL, - premade issue trackers, as well as other useful PHP scripts. - Components can be used individually, or ...
phpVcs is a minimal Version Control System that can be hosted on a common LAMP box; real client-server layout using XML-RPC for communications. Planned clients: PHP-CLI executable, PHP-GTK, Java Swing, Web interface. Easy to install and to use. ...
phpXMLDOM (phpXD) is an XML DOM-Implementation for PHP, written in PHP. It offers methods for accessing the nodes of an XML document using the W3C Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core. phpXMLDOM does not require the PHP DOM XML extension. ...
phpPat is an open-source php template engine. phpPat is extremely easy to use. It was build to increase the readability of your php scripts and enable you to fully practise your creativity. It can separate php code from html and perform complex tasks. ...
DcSecure is a php based wrapper that cleans Get, Post, and Server variables so as to defend against php vulnerabilities. It cleans all variables and replaces the orignal ones with the cleaned ones so the target scripts do not require modifications. ...
Sprocket is an ATTEMPT at efficient databasing on NON-PERSISTENT applications (as opposed to MySQL) as used in the WEB (PHP). Sprockets is manifested in a dual purpose forum-CMS, with heirarchical qualities like inheritence and infinite nesting of data. ...
RefleXiveCMS is a general purpose PHP component framework. An easy to understand architecture allow independently developped components to work together. It comes with lots of ready to use goodies and code generators will get you started immediately. ...
Changelog is a small php script that is meant to help multiple webmasters/developers keep track of latest updated files on a website or project. It is very easy to install and use. ...
myphpPagetool is a complete package to drive your Website. It is completely written using the php script language and uses a mysql database to store and manage all pages, images, layout and users/groups. ...
Suricata is a project administrator manager based on PHP and PHP::DB, capable to administrate tasks, resources and generate Gantt charts and job entries charts. ...
PHPBind is a complete PHP class for managing BIND's configuration files. Using no outside resources, and implemented completely within PHP it offers full control of named.conf and associated (or not) domain db files. ...
Phpcron is a PHP command line utility which allows you to execute programs and system commands at certain scheduled times.Phpcron Admin provides a browser based front end to Phpcron. It also provides lots of options and it is user friendly. ...
libtemplate is a very powerful template library written in C. It allows statements like 'if', 'else' or 'print' to be used inside a template. You can set variables from outside or inside the template. PHP and Perl binding will be available. ...
J4PHP is an object-oriented framework for PHP inspired by Struts, Ibatis, JUnit and Log4J. Its goal: to bring together the best patterns and solutions from the Java world, while still being simple and easy to use. ...