Development Tools C# scripts - Top 4 Download

Development Tools C# script downloads

Ming Sharp

Ming-Sharp is an open-source (LGPL) library which allows you to create SWF ("Flash") format movies. Ming supports almost all of Flash 4's features, including: shapes, gradients, bitmaps (pngs and jpegs), morphs ("shape tweens"), text, buttons, actions, sprites ("movie clips"), streaming mp3, and color transforms--the only thing that's missing is sound events. ...


The idea of this project is to provide an easy way to connect to a Mantis installation via a SOAP webservice. MantisConnect is a PHP webservice that is built on top of Mantis API. Being a webservice allows easy creation of proxy clients from languages like Java, PHP, Perl, and others. ...

iPod Control

iPod Control facilitates the usage of your iPod on multiple computers, by keeping the iPod's preferences local to a guest (Windows) computer -- preventing the annoying "Overwrite Library?" dialog and exposing additional functionality. The code is compatible with the next types of operating systems: 32-bit MS Windows (NT/2000/XP), All 32-bit MS Windows ...