Development Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Development Tools script downloads


My-Bic is a PHP/AJAX framework that aims to be used in enterprise level and below web development projects. My-Bic is capable of handling network down situations, JSON client side encoding, one line form processing and built in visual debugging. ...

PHP Wife

PHP Wife is a web aplication Framework written in PHP 5 and released under the GPL License.It implements the Model View Controller design pattern and features : - Ajax Integration - Database Abstraction using the PDO class - An abstract Data Access Object, which allows you to write a ...

poopf PHP framework

poopf - persistent object-oriented PHP framework - is a minimal set of classes for using database records in MySQL or PostgreSQL, while avoiding the thickness of adodb or pear::db. It provides also a secure Cookie class for persisting authenticated clients. Example: $db = new MySQL('localhost','mydb','brian','cletus',''); $user = >$db-get_record("user_table",$_PARAM["user_id"]); echo >$user-name; ...


HTML2PHP API is a complete set of classes for building Web Systems according the W3C HTML 4.01 Specification, over 80 classes including methods for setting and getting VALID attributes, you won't write different versions of your site for correct browser rendering, you will be always using W3C HTML 4.01 specification, also ...

HTML Parser for PHP

This is an open source HTML parser written in PHP. This parser also comes with a tool that converts HTML to text, as an example. This parser is designed for speed and flexibility. It does not create an object model for you. But it doesn't prevent you from using its results ...

Another PHP Extension

Another PHP Extension is a PHP-driven Template Abstraction Layer. Features: - Fast - never recompiles unchanged templates. - Clever - caches all work results. - Flexible - no hardcoded operators. - Powerful - can overload HTML tags. - Friendly - operators looks like HTML tags. ...


This project provides a documentation generator for php script. The documentation is generated using special tags inserted in the code or in separate files. The program also looks in the code for php keywords like 'function', 'class'. ...

PHP Dump Maker

PHP Dump Maker  is a smart PHP backup tool. Reads given SRC subdirs, creates set of directories filled (or linked) with the content of SRC, made to fit given capacity. Featuresps, ISO creation, on-the freation, on-the file splitting, index creating and dex creating and more. ...


I18NEdit is a convenience application for managing multilingual and/or localized programs or tools following the Java framework. It sits upon the localization capabilities offered by the Java ResourceBundle system and offers a PHP adapter class. Its goals: - Easy to use for developers and especially for translators. - Seamless access ...

Php XPath

Php.XPath is a php class for searching an XML document using XPath, and making modifications using a DOM style API. Does not require the DOM XML PHP library. ...

Php Mysql Site Builder

Php/Mysql Site Builder is a PHP/Mysql tool for managing your homepage. You can create dynamic and static versions of your site. ...

php Site Manager

This application is a Simple PHP Site Management System. This software uses for Template Engine "Smarty Template", for db connection MySql4 class derived from phpBB2 and for Visual Editor uses a modified version of TinyMCE. ...


phpCVSView is aimed at being the only tool you will need if you run a website for a project using CVS for your source control. It currently provides "pserver" connectivity to your source repository. The idea behind phpCVSview was to be a web based CVS viewer written in PHP and an ...


To put it simply, Krumo is a replacement for print_r() and var_dump(). By definition Krumo is a debugging tool (PHP4/PHP5), which displays structured information about any PHP variable. A lot of developers use print_r() and var_dump() in the means of debugging tools. Although they were intended to present human readble information ...

PHP Dreamtime

PHP Dreamtime is a development framework for deploying web sites. It includes template management, re-usable components, and a content manager. ...


Perl and PHP are two of the most popular languages for creating dynamic web content. The PHPerl Project aims to combine the power (and extensive code libraries!) of both languages. PHPerl links a Perl interpreter into the PHP module for Apache. It provides a PHP API for managing Perl interpreters and ...


VCL for PHP is PHP framework to develop web applications, it's OpenSource and it's licensed using LGPL.The framework has been designed to be integrated into an IDE, called Delphi for PHP, which allows you to develop PHP web applications visually with all the benefits of a RAD Integrated Development Environment. Among ...

Limb PHP Framework

Limb is a PHP Web Application Framework built with the best agile development practices. Limb was initially designed as a PHP Content Management Framework around brilliant WACT template subsystem for rapid development of Content Management Systems with nice GUI but gradually became much more than that. There are 2 different versions of Limb ...

Stratos Framework

The Stratos Framework is an open-source, object-oriented web application framework that facilitates the rapid development of well-organized, secure, and maintainable PHP web applications. The goal of Stratos is to provide an extensible framework that is easy to learn, use, and configure.Stratos frees you from working on tedious, routine tasks, and allows ...

Asterisk PHP Voicemail

Asterisk PHP Voicemail is a very simple PHP-based Web interface to Asterisk's standard voice mail system. It is designed to be an alternative to the Web-based voicemail system that ships with Asterisk because of the potential security risks of using a setuid root Perl script. ...