Development Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Development Tools script downloads

Spike PHPCoverage

Spike PHPCoverage is an open-source tool for measuring and reporting code coverage provided by the test suite of a PHP application. Spike PHPCoverage can instrument and record the line coverage information for any PHP script at runtime. Spike PHPCoverage also provides an extensible reporting mechanism with a standard HTML report implemented ...

php stl

php-stl is a templating implementation similar to java's JSTL. This is a tag-based template engine with configurable classes to handle various tags. The templates are written in XML, which differs from the JSTL, but provides clean output. php-stl does not provide its own template handling, but instead piggybacks on either PHPSavant ...

PHP Standard Edition

PHP Standard Edition defines a PHP Standard Edition API inspired on the Java SE. ...

Prototype of an PHP application

Prototype of an application written in php, which includes : smarty, adodb, pbjetbdd, phpgacl and esup-phpcas. Login can be managed into a database, ldap directory or a SSO-CAS. ...

PHP Project Navigator

PHP Project Navigator is a web based source browser for PHP scripts. Its strength, in comparison to other PHP source analysis tools, is the parser that it uses to produce its cross-reference database. The parser is distributed as a Perl script called and uses the PHP 5 grammar from the ...

PHP Active Code Library

PHP Active Code Library is a PHP 5 class used to store and call PHP files that are stored in a database. The files are stored in a plain text field and not a binary field. PHP ACL also takes care of include/require calls. If a file includes another file stored ...

IBT PHP Library and Framework

The IBT PHP Library (IPL) is a PHP library like no other. IPL combines the power of an enhanced function library with a structured web model to create a sort of living library. This functionality allows developers to focus more intently on their code and less intently on their design. That ...


Pwee is a PHP extension that gives web developers the ability to expand the PHP runtime environment.Developers can use XML to define and add custom constants and variables that are accessible to each script.Pwee is a PHP extension that lets developers expand the PHP runtime environment using XML to define and ...


The idea behind this project is that every part of page generation that requires CPU time should be executed only when it needs to. This is an effort to maximize the (theoretical) efficiency of page generation. UnEarth differs from other caching systems in that you can cache more efficiently and intelligently ...

PHP HTML parser

PHP HTML parser allows you to to parse HTML from php scripts. ...


This Web based PHP Code builder will help the developers and the normal users to create php code with few clicks. ...

Generic PHP Framework

Generic PHP Framework is a library of reusable classes for PHP applications. The idea is to grow this framework into a great foundation for writing large applications in PHP. How Does gpfr Differ From Other Frameworks? gpfr aims to become a great foundation through the following: - Strong OO design ...

Application Server for PHP

PAS, Application Server for PHP, breaks down Web application in small XML and PHP files. Features : - code reuse, - packaging, - database abstraction, - easy integration with IDEs, - apply M.V.C. patern (separate business logic and front end GUI). ...


The PRAjax class can be used to reflect PHP code into JavaScript and Ajax methods and vice-versa. PHP objects can be used in JavaScript trough Ajax calls, both properties and (registered) functions. The following features make this library worth using: - Allows easier Ajax programming with PHP - PHP ...


phpWF is an object-oriented php library of widgets for writing web applications. The objective of the library is to write web pages faster without worring about the layout of pages and the HTML code,but concentrating the (php) coding efforts in writing applications. The set of widgets and the variety of personalizations ...


JPSPAN provides tools to "hook up" PHP and Javascript, for the purpose of fetching data from PHP into a web page which has already loaded, without reloading the entire page. It allows you to call remote PHP objects as local Javascript objects. ...

ActiveLink PHP XML Package

ActiveLink PHP XML Package provides an easy interface to parse, read, modify, and output XML and XML documents. ActiveLink PHP XML Package is purely implemented in PHP and does not require any PHP XML extensions (including xml or domXML). Provided classes are: XML, XMLDocument, XMLBranch, XMLLeaf, RSS, Tag, Tree, Branch, Leaf, ...


bblocked is a state of the art proxy script created in PHP (compatible with both PHP4 >= 4.3.0 and PHP5) in order to free people from the unfair restraints of various filtering and to ensure that in the open internet, user’s privacy is never compromised. This is mainly done by processing ...

K PHP Develop

K PHP Develop it's an integrated Web developement tool, something like MS Interdev. It was designed for team work. K PHP Develop contains three modules: - Server - Server Setup - Client - and plugins for accessing database servers. It supports PostgresSQL, MySQL and Sybase. Features: - ...

PHP Bind

PHPBind is a complete PHP class for managing BIND's configuration files. Using no outside resources, and implemented completely within PHP it offers full control of named.conf and associated (or not) domain db files. ...