Internet, Browsers & Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Internet, Browsers & Tools script downloads


This script is a variant of a Tkinter Menu which allows sub-menus to automatically open/close when the controlling button is active/inactive. Sub-menus can be instances of any arbitrary widget, such as a Pmw.ComboBox.The topmost level is a Button which, when activated, drops down a menu containing any of Buttons, separators, Labels, Checkbuttons ...


JSCookMenu is a powerful menu script written in JavaScript that can mimic complex menus found in popular GUI Applications. It is relatively simple and easy to use. Creating a new theme requires some patience, but rarely does one has to write one since some good ones are provided. Features - ...

Pop up Checkbox Navigation Menu

This script opens a small pop-up window containing a unique checkbox navigation menu, smack on the button that triggers the function. After the pop-up window opens you can choose to go to any of the given links. When any one checkbox is clicked the pop-up menu window automatically closes while a new ...

Custom Tooltip

This script can help users by adding colourful tooltips to links. Usually the standard tooltips for most browsers is of a lightish yellow background with black font. ...

Multi Pop up Links Menu

The menus can be made to open in any desired place near or around a link. In this script they are set to open besides the links. The popup links menu will close if the link is clicked again when the pop-up menu is open. You can add any number of links to ...

Link Description Tooltip

This script helps in providing information in the form of a tooltip about link(s). It can be used for both image links as well as text links as shown in the example below. If you hover the mouse over any of the links, descriptive text about the respective links appears on ...

Always On Top Links Menu

This script helps put up links on top of the page that always stay on top even if you scroll down the page. ...

Changing Value Drop Down Link

This script changes the value of a drop down menu every two seconds. Users can either click the drop down menu and choose where to go, or else wait for the value of the drop down menu to change to the site they want to visit before clicking the Go button. The ...

Changing Value Button Link

This script generates a button link to different websites. The text on the button changes every two seconds. If users want to go to the Netscape website they will have to wait till the value of the button changes to 'Netscape' before clicking the button. The script can be modified as per ...

Floating Collapsible Menu

This script shows on left of  webpage in yellow with black border a floating collapsible menu. The menu will always hover in the same place on the page even when you scroll down the page. In addition to this the menu has collapsible links. Clicking on those links with the symbol in front ...

Static Menu Script

This script allows you to add an elegant, visible-from-the-start static menu to your site. Both the menu's dimensions and its static location on the page can be easily configured, making it easy to integrate the menu to conform to your site's layout. ...

Slide In Links

This script creates a bar of links that slides out from the left edge of the window when the protruding part is clicked on. This is a suitable way to maximize realty space on your site. ...

AnyLink Drop Down Menu

This is a versatile drop down menu script for ordinary links on your page, including image links. It can be activated either onMouseover or onClick. The menu intelligently determines whether the dropped menu is too close to the browser's edge, adjusting its positioning so it's always in view. This script works ...


Garlic is a Bookmark manager with a Web interface. It is able to parse RSS feeds and maintain a reading list from the corresponding articles. The application is intended to be used as-is, but also as a testbed for new developments. Requirements: · pybsddb, version >= 4.2 · Twisted Matrix, ...

Editable JavaScript TreeGrid

Editable JavaScript TreeGrid is DHTML component written in pure JavaScript to display and edit data in table, grid, tree view or grid with tree on HTML page. Main advantages to similar components are tree capability, advanced cell formulas and calculations like in MS Excel, various paging types to display nearly unlimited ...

Contractible Headers Script

This is a script that makes selected headers in a page contractible. Contents such as text, graphics, tables, etc can be hidden inside the header that will be revealed only when the header is clicked on. What sets this script apart from most other are the following features: - Works in both IE5 ...

Scrollable menu links

This script compacts any content (links) into a predefined area, with the content accessible via left and right scroll buttons. Browsers other than IE 4 or NS 4 will simply see nothing. You can reverse the scroll directions of the left and right buttons. Script works in webpages with a strict doctype ...

Dynamic FX Slide In Menu

Dynamic-Fx's slide-in menu will satisfy even the most demanding webmasters. Among it's long list of features are: - Ability to statically position menu on page, both x and y axis (as in demo), or simply inline - Support for loading link(s) in another frame or window - Support for ...

Expandable Sliding Links Menu

With the help of this script you can put up a non-intrusive links menu on your web pages. Only an edge of the links menu will be visible. Hovering the mouse on top of the edge slides out the links menu.You can add any number of links to the menu to best suit ...

Custom Location Bar

Using this script your viewers can go to any URL they want by just typing it in the text box on the webpage. After typing in the URL they must click the Go button. This script is especially useful when you add it to a pop-up window that has the 'Location Box' ...