Internet, Browsers & Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Internet, Browsers & Tools script downloads

Simple Upload Progress Bar

Simple Upload Progress Bar (PHP) are a few simple web based scripts to upload large files with progress bar (PHP, Perl, Ajax). ...


This is an ASP.NET class which can save an uploaded file that has been sent as an HTTP post. Features: - Save files uploaded to ASP.NET through a browser or other HTTP control. - No dependent code required in the browser form. - Files can be saved to disk ...


csASPUpload is an ASP component which allows a user to upload files to the server using an html form. Features: - Attach a file, or files to an HTML form. - Allows your web site visitors to upload files without requiring FTP software, or the use of email attachments. ...


PowerTCP FTP for .NET allows you to easily transfer files using wildcards or streams, or directly access the data connection for unprecedented levels of control. To help you deliver applications in record time, debugging has been extended beyond run-time testing to a new design-time Editor that lets you test file transfers ...

Threaded FTP Client

This script allows you to download multiple directories from remote FTP servers and copy these to local machines under multiple threads. This script expects an XML file with details on the directories that requires to be downloaded from remote FTP servers. The script does a recursive FTP of files within the ...


This script gives a find-like tool to the world of FTP. It is useful for cron jobs that download new RPMs that fit some tricky condition (e.g. less than 1 meg, less than a week old, ends in x86_64.tar.gz etc). ...


ABCUpload is an ActiveX component that allows you to upload files from a web browser to your IIS web server. It requires no client side software and operates on the server via standard multipart HTML forms as defined in RFC 1867.File uploads are great because they are so compatible. Because they ...

Daily iframe content II

This script loads a different page into an iframe daily, depending on the day of the month (1-31). You can use it to serve up daily, changing content, such as a "tip of the day." The script offers optional code to auto resize iframe based on height of content within.The script ...

Pop under window

Pop-under windows are becoming increasing popular as a less intrusive alternative to popup windows. Use this script to add a pop-under window to your page; simply input the page/address to pop under, and off you go!You can control the frequency of the popunder, so it either pop unders every time the ...

Auto Maximize Window

Auto Maximize Window is a simple script that automatically maximises the browser window when it is loaded within a webpage. ...

User defined print button

User defined print button script creates an image that acts as a print button. The button appearance can be customized by modifying the appropriate code.The script is cross browser compatible. ...


PHPaint is intended for the easy creation, editing, and previewing of "buttons" for web pages. The hope is to greatly ease the Web Developer's task of creating "buttons" for web pages, allowing them to move on to more important tasks. If you are trying to build a web "frontend" to a ...

PHP Button Generator

PHP Button Generator is a Dynamic Button Engine for Web Site. Using button templates, windows True Type fonts(TTF), small icons to dynamic generate buttons for your web pages. Use it with Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) to let user to choose their web skin. ...

PHP Easy Button

PHP Easy Button is a PHP script that allow you to make buttons without using different image for each button.Example: You don't need 10 images for 10 buttons! Just insert with the text an with the text and the link you want and more options! ...


UMap is the Universal ActionScript 3.0 Mapping API integrated with Google Maps. The scalable component model allows you to create rich maps with interactive data layers. This flexible API enables developers to build fully-customized solutions.Features: - Support for custom map tiles and providers - Updated loading algorithms for faster tile loading ...

Alert It Scroller

This unique scroller scrolls text at the very top of the page, making it hard to ignore. It's useful to broadcast important messages to your visitors. The number of times the text is scrolled across the page is customizable (ie: 2 times than disappear), with the scroller slowing down when the ...

Daily information feeder

This is a sophisticated JavaScript that displays daily bits of information to your visitors. Features: - Automatic rotation of messages to always display the current day's one.  - Each of the messages can optionally be linked to a URL (which is activated by clicking on the "More information" text).  ...

Ajax Tooltip script

This Ajax script enhances the default "title" attribute of HTML so certain tooltips can instead get their content from an external file, with rich HTML content and all. Integration is easy and non obtrusive, and for the sake of efficiency, the script will only use Ajax to load the tooltip's content ...

Open offsite links in new window

Concerned about people leaving your site when navigating to offsite links? This script lets you either automatically have all offsite links open in a new window, or let the user decide, via a checkbox. Links that belong to your own domain(s)- as specified by you inside the script- are not affected ...

JS Tooltip

JS-Tooltip script allows you to view text tooltips when on mouse-over events occurs. It is very easy to install and use.You can modify this script to suit your needs, by changing the appropriate parameters values. The script was tested on many web browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Firefox, Safari and more. ...