Scientific/Engineering scripts - Top 4 Download

Scientific/Engineering script downloads

GNU Scientific Library

The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a numerical library for C and C programmers. It is free software under the GNU General Public License. The library provides a wide range of mathematical routines such as random number generators, special functions and least-squares fitting. There are over 1000 functions in total with ...

Robot Operating System

ROS can build robot control systems in different languages and on different platforms.As compared to other frameworks (CARMEN, Player, Orca), ROS is designed specifically for the forthcoming generation of mobile manipulation platforms.This operating system was written using C, C++, Python and Ruby. What's New in This Release: · ...


Fityk is a program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to data (usually experimental data). There are also people using it to remove the baseline from data, or to display data only. It is reportedly used in crystallography, chromatography, photoluminescence and photoelectron spectroscopy, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, to name ...


KmPlot is a mathematical function plotter for the KDE-Desktop.It has built in a powerfull parser. You can plot different functions simultaneously and combine their function terms to build new functions. KmPlot supports functions with parameters and functions in polar coordinates. Several grid modes are possible. Plots may be printed with high ...


Simplex-in-PHP are PHP scripts that solve small linear programming and integer linear programming problems executing the simplex method step by step, printing the tableau and drawing the graphical analysis.Useful for students in Operational Research. ...

Quality Assurance Control system

Quality Assurance & Control system software provides you a Quality Assurance & Control database client server system. Postgresql server, delphi clients, web php, www-sql interface. It could be used for cable factory, solve all traceability needs, ISO 9001: 2000 compliant. ...


Gpiv is a graphic user interface program for recording and analyzing images obtained from a fluid flow that has been seeded with tracer particles by the so-called Particle Image Velocimetry technique (PIV).The program allows to have a quick overview of the parameter settings of all processes, easily changing them, executing the ...

GTS Library

GTS stands for the GNU Triangulated Surface Library. It is an Open Source Free Software Library intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles.The code is written entirely in C with an object-oriented approach based mostly on the design of GTK . ...


MODEL is a numeric simulation library written to simulate systems of rate equations describing Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs). Features: - deterministic integration of any system of well-behaved differential equations. - stochastic integration of these systems, with the possibility of specifying the correlations present in the noise - ...

Gnome Flow

Gnome Flow is a program written to calculate and visualize simple steady state fluid flows. It uses the relaxation method, and can calculate flows past symmetric objects.Steady state means, that it calculates the flow at a given time, and that the physical parameters are constant in time. Requirements: · gnomelibs ...

Perl Entrez Gene Parser

This program is a parser that abstract a data structure from a given Entrez Gene record, and users of the parser can decide what to do/extract from the data structure. Perl Entrez Gene Parser project provides Perl parsers for NCBI's Entrez Gene based on regular expression, Parse::RecDescent, Parse::Yapp and Perl-byacc. Some can ...

Fractal tree

This script could be used to compute and display a 2D fractal tree. A fractal tree is constructed iteratively by growing new branches, which have a specific length ratio with respect to the parent branch (scaling factor). The fan angle, the number of new branches and number of generations are user controlled. The ...


Maxima is a system for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series, Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear equations, polynomials, and sets, lists, vectors, matrices, and tensors. Maxima yields high precision numeric results by using exact fractions, arbitrary precision integers, and arbitrarily precision floating ...

BRL CAD package

The BRL-CAD package is a powerful Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system with over 20 years development and production use by the U.S. military. BRL-CAD includes an interactive geometry editor, parallel ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, path-tracing for realistic image synthesis, network distributed framebuffer support, image-processing and signal-processing ...


atlc is an Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator (for transmission lines and directional couplers).There are 12 programs that comprise the package atlc. One of the programs is called atlc; the other 11 have different names. Using the programs comprising the package atlc one is able to:-Calculate the characteristic impedance and other properties ...


NetAnimator is a network simulator written in flash. It allows you to build up a topolog and send packets throught your network, see and inspect them as they travel, change the headers and observe such protocols as ARP and switch learning. ...


The fundamental package needed for scientific computing with Python is called NumPy.  This package contains: - a powerful N-dimensional array object - sophisticated (broadcasting) functions - basic linear algebra functions - basic Fourier transforms - sophisticated random number capabilities - tools for integrating Fortran code. Besides ...


This code allows you to run a function graph drawing/rendering application for use with audio applications. It exports .wav files. Requirements: · wxPython · Numeric ...

Python Laboratory Operations Toolkit

This package is a loosely defined collection of tools for application of Python in a laboratory environment. It consists of pure python protocol drivers for various useful devices, including: National Instrument DSTP protocol to interface Python to LabVIEW VXI-11 protocol, to allow python to talk to a host of GPIB-like instruments ...

The Python Macromolecular Library

The Python Macromolecular Library (mmLib) is a software toolkit and library of routines for the analysis and manipulation of macromolecular structural models, implemented in the Python programming language. It is accessed via a layered, object-oriented application programming interface, and provides a range of useful software components for parsing mmCIF, and PDB ...