Scientific/Engineering scripts - Top 4 Download

Scientific/Engineering script downloads

Accepting Four Points in 2 space

Photographic document images are often rotated, if only slightly. This code mediates an input of a series of four points--assumed to be the corners of a rectangular document--in any order, as mouse clicks.Then it determines the orientation of the points and calculates a "quality" value, as an indication to the user ...

Access Cairo surface from numpy and pygame

This script aliases the memory from a cairo surface so that you can manipulate the bits as a numpy array, or display/manipulate the image in pygame. ...


Athena is a light-weight PHP & MySQL note keeper for teachers and students to keep track of their research projects. It allows users to add notes and resource references while working on multiple projects at once. It's purpose is to keep related data grouped and cross-referenced for future use or a ...


ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) provides highly optimized Linear Algebra kernels for arbitrary cache-based architectures.ATLAS provides ANSI C and Fortran77 interfaces for the entire BLAS API, and a small portion of the LAPACK API. ...


atlc is an Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator (for transmission lines and directional couplers).There are 12 programs that comprise the package atlc. One of the programs is called atlc; the other 11 have different names. Using the programs comprising the package atlc one is able to:-Calculate the characteristic impedance and other properties ...

Bc Language

bc is a language that supports arbitrary precision numbers with interactive execution of statements. There are some similarities in the syntax to the C programming language.A standard math library is available by command line option. If requested, the math library is defined before processing any files. bc starts by processing code ...

BRL CAD package

The BRL-CAD package is a powerful Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system with over 20 years development and production use by the U.S. military. BRL-CAD includes an interactive geometry editor, parallel ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, path-tracing for realistic image synthesis, network distributed framebuffer support, image-processing and signal-processing ...

c stat

c-stat is a bot written in php that provides statistics for an irc channel. It requires a MySQL and PHP > 4.3.3. ...


Calc is an interactive calculator which provides for easy large numeric calculations, but which also can be easily programmed for difficult or long calculations. It can accept a command line argument, in which case it executes that single command and exits.Otherwise, it enters interactive mode. In this mode, it accepts commands ...


Cartesio is a web-based groupware application for Linux with PHP, MySQL, Apache, SSL oriented to forensic laboratories. ...


CatBot is a simple, HTML/PHP/MySQL based chatterbot that's easy to set up and use. It comes equipped with a few commands, as well as a basic "learning" ability. With some moderate tweaking, it could make a very nice browser-based helpdesk assistant. ...


Charlemagne is a genetic programming application which aims to be highly configurable and applicable to a broad range of problems.It is written in Python and Lisp and to some degree is extensible in both languages. It features built-in input-output mapping support, but also provides the ability to define complex fitness calculators ...


Colloquium is an pedagogical tool for presenting online webcasts with supplementary materials. Streaming video is combined with a rich set of support materials - live chat, threaded discussion, and links. ...


Concierge is an optimized OSGi R3 framework implementations with a file footprint of about 80 kBytes. This makes it ideal for mobile or embedded devices. Typically, these devices have VMs that are more focused on compactness and less optimized. For instance, purely interpreting VMs often kill the performance of existing OSGi ...


Condict is a program for building dictionaries. It is currently in beta form, and is written in Python with the wxPython GUI library. REQUIREMENTS Condict requires the following packages: 1) Python (, version 2.2 or later. 2) wxPython (, version 2.4 or later. 3) PyXML (, version 0.8 or later The ...

Descriptive statistical analysis tool

This script is a Python module implementing a class which can be used for computing numerical statistics for a given data set.This recipe implements a descriptive statistical analysis class. It's intended to aid in computing numerical statistics for a given data set. It's well documented and hopefully useful. ...

Digital Scribe

The Digital Scribe allows teachers to place student work and homework assignments on their school website without having to bother the IT Personnel. Teachers have full control through a web-based interface. Designed for easy installation and even easier use, the Digital Scribe has been used in thousands of schools. No teacher ...

Discrete Event Calculus Reasoner

The Discrete Event Calculus Reasoner is an open source program for performing automated commonsense reasoning using the event calculus, a comprehensive and highly usable logic-based formalism. It solves problems efficiently by converting them into satisfiability (SAT) problems. Features: - Comes with 99 examples - Comes with 13-page user's manual ...

Eqe Editor

Eqe is a simple clone of the LaTeX equation editor you can find on MacOS X. There's a zone to type LaTeX input, and it generates an image to represent it (color, font, and size are customisable).You can drag the image to other applications (like Impress, Mozilla, the Gimp). It ...

Extended great common divisor function

This script contains a function that finds out the gcd(a,b)(great common divisor of a and b) as a linear conbination of a anb b, ax by=gcd(a,b). ...