Internet, Browsers & Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Internet, Browsers & Tools script downloads

DOM Drag Drop script

This is a DOM drag and drop script that could be used on any relatively or absolutely positioned element on the page to make it instantly dragable. The script also fires three custom event handlers that let your page sense and react to the dragging in some fashion. ...

DropBox PHP

DropBox is a PHP-developed system which allows users to upload and download files from it's web interface.When password protected, this proves to be a useful tool to store and move files at will from multiple locations. ...

Dynamic Fader

This Dynamic Fader script gently brings into view various messages, then fades them out after a few seconds.It supports the display of HTML content (such as links), apart from plain text. ...

Dynamic FX Slide In Menu

Dynamic-Fx's slide-in menu will satisfy even the most demanding webmasters. Among it's long list of features are: - Ability to statically position menu on page, both x and y axis (as in demo), or simply inline - Support for loading link(s) in another frame or window - Support for ...

Dynamic Highlight link script

You can use this script to add a highlight effect to any link when the mouse passes over it, with the highlight color for each link fully customizable. It provides you a great way to add emphasis to particular links on your site! ...

Editable JavaScript TreeGrid

Editable JavaScript TreeGrid is DHTML component written in pure JavaScript to display and edit data in table, grid, tree view or grid with tree on HTML page. Main advantages to similar components are tree capability, advanced cell formulas and calculations like in MS Excel, various paging types to display nearly unlimited ...

Elastic band trail

Using VML (vectored graphics) to generate the "string" interface and DHTML to then animate it, this script creates an "elastic band" trail for your mouse. VML is a IE5 exclusive technology, so this script is visible only in IE5 . ...

Expandable Sliding Links Menu

With the help of this script you can put up a non-intrusive links menu on your web pages. Only an edge of the links menu will be visible. Hovering the mouse on top of the edge slides out the links menu.You can add any number of links to the menu to best suit ...

External Data Source Marquee

This script is an DHTML scrolling marquee that uses an external HTML document as its content to scroll. As a secondary feature, the marquee slows down when the user moves his mouse over it (to more easily read the contained contents), and resumes it's original scroll speed when out. IE 4 and ...


This script is a variant of a Tkinter Menu which allows sub-menus to automatically open/close when the controlling button is active/inactive. Sub-menus can be instances of any arbitrary widget, such as a Pmw.ComboBox.The topmost level is a Button which, when activated, drops down a menu containing any of Buttons, separators, Labels, Checkbuttons ...


This is a MooTools based upload widget thats allows queued multiple-file upload including progress bars. Features: - Select and upload multiple files - Filter files by type in the select dialog - Optional Events to add your own behaviour - Show and filter useful file information before the upload starts ...


feeds2mysql is a set of PHP scripts that fetches, parses, and inserts feed data into a database for easy ouput and other manipulation. It has a multiuser function enabled. It handles RSS and ATOM feeds; autodiscover function is also enabled. ...

Find IE Cookie

This script looks through your IE Cookies and returns a value of the chosen cookie. ...

Floating Collapsible Menu

This script shows on left of  webpage in yellow with black border a floating collapsible menu. The menu will always hover in the same place on the page even when you scroll down the page. In addition to this the menu has collapsible links. Clicking on those links with the symbol in front ...

Froogle Data Feeder

Creates and automatically sends a data feed to Froogle, to provide product information and pictures. This Froogle Data Feeder, handles product duplicates, specials(if available), currency conversion, tax support, html descriptions, full category trees, and automatic upload. In addition, the Froogle Data Feeder supports advance feeds. With the advance feed option enabled ...


PowerTCP FTP for .NET allows you to easily transfer files using wildcards or streams, or directly access the data connection for unprecedented levels of control. To help you deliver applications in record time, debugging has been extended beyond run-time testing to a new design-time Editor that lets you test file transfers ...

FTP Mirror Script

This script is for synchronization of folders over ftp. It can be used for mirroring of an ftp. More along the lines of synchronizing folders than for mirroring. It supports many party sharing of a folder of data. ...


This script gives a find-like tool to the world of FTP. It is useful for cron jobs that download new RPMs that fit some tricky condition (e.g. less than 1 meg, less than a week old, ends in x86_64.tar.gz etc). ...


fupFA is a php script code that can insert in any web page written in php too, allowing to users to send files and download them. ...


Garlic is a Bookmark manager with a Web interface. It is able to parse RSS feeds and maintain a reading list from the corresponding articles. The application is intended to be used as-is, but also as a testbed for new developments. Requirements: · pybsddb, version >= 4.2 · Twisted Matrix, ...