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The user can configure the thumbnail's height, width, number of images, usernames, and many other options. Requirements: · WordPress 2.0.2 or higher ...


Every user can rate other users, or can get feedback from others, by a "Agree" and "Disagree" button near every post.The purpose is to get as many good ratings as possible, so to be on top of the rankings. Users can setup individual monitoring communities by creating "Soulmates" or "Opponents" list ...

SEO Ultimate

The plugin provides meta tags administration, title reviewer, 404 error logs, link building, feed and archive management. Key features "SEO Ultimate": · Integration with the contextual help system of WordPress 2.7+ · Internationalization support · Nonce security · An uninstall routine · Integration with the new WordPress 2.7+ menu · ...


It contains concepts from other programming languages, but it's not considered as a direct descendant from any other language. In Seed7, new statements and operators can be declared easily. Functions with type results and type parameters are more elegant than a template or generics concept.Object orientation is used when it brings ...

Floatbox Plus

It can preview images and videos, presenting them in a popup window, similar to the infamous Lightbox.Automatic Installation: Upload the 'floatbox-plus' folder to '/wp-content/plugins/' Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in the WordPress admin Let the plugin download/install floatbox by Byron McGregor via option from the plugin pageManual Installation: Upload ...

ICS Calendar

It provides a graphical interface when interacting with calendars stored in other online services.Installation:Upload 'wordpress-ics-importer' folder to the plugins folder, usually is wp-content/plugins. Activate the plugin on the Plugins screen. Place the following on a page (not post): [show-ics-events] or [show-ics-events=numevents] or [show-ics-events cal=icsnum,icsnum] (for events list) [show-ics-calendar] or [show-ics-calendar cal=icsnum,ics_num] ...

Quick Search giulio Ganci

The results are sorted in real time by page, comments and posts.The popup search results can be stylized from the quick-search.css file.Installation: Upload quick-search folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress Requirements: · WordPress 2.7 or higher ...

Read More Right Here

The "read more" link is replaced with a "read more right here" link. When this new link will be pushed, the rest of the article's text will slide in between the current articles, without redirecting you to a new page.Installation:Upload the read-more-right-here directory ("unzipped") to the /wp-content/plugins/ directoryFind "Read More Right ...

SGI Standard Template Library

It includes some low-level mechanisms for allocating and de-allocating system memory.The STL is a generic  library, meaning that its components are heavily parameterized: almost every component in the STL is a template. ...

The Squirrel programming language

It was designed to be a powerful scripting language for small applications like games, due to its small size, reduced memory bandwidth and little real-time requirements.Squirrlel has been tested with the following compilers:MS Visual C++ 6.0,7.0,7.1 and 8.0 (32 and 64bits)MinGW gcc 3.2 (mingw special 20020817-1)Cygnus gcc 3.2Linux gcc 3.2.3Linux gcc ...


There are actually two implementations of MapReduce, the MaPI framework for multicomputers and the MapMP librabry for multiprocessors. ...


The application takes advantage of the fact that in an identity managed environment, there are several copies of a user across multiple LDAP sources. ...


The admin will have access to information about visits, hits, traffic, navigation paths, browsers and OS's used by the visitors. What's New in This Release: · Modifications made to · Added db/get_new_referrers.sql, a function to get the new referrers info ...


GetHTTP consists basically of two functions asyncHTTP and syncHTTP.The goal of the script is to make AJAX available to anyone, without any knowledge of the XMLHttpRequest object. ...

KSI Scheme Interpreter

It can be used as a stand-alone interpreter or as an extension library. ...

UJO Framework

UJO is an abbreviation for Unified Java Object and it is similar in implementation to JavaBean, but different from it in architecture and methods. Key features "UJO Framework": · Very simple introspection · Serialization to / from formats XML, CSV and Resource bundle · UJO object controls an access to ...

JDBC Importer

Data is imported in the JDBC database through a simple interface and a XML config file.Third Party Libraries:Apache Commons Logging Apache Commons File UploadJUnitInstallation:Unzip the file Add jdbcimporter.jar and commons-logging.jar to the CLASSPATH. ( For example: set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;INSTALL_DIR\lib\jdbcimporter.jar;INSTALL_DIR\lib\commons-lo gging.jar ) What's New in This Release: · Added header property ...

Robot Operating System

ROS can build robot control systems in different languages and on different platforms.As compared to other frameworks (CARMEN, Player, Orca), ROS is designed specifically for the forthcoming generation of mobile manipulation platforms.This operating system was written using C, C++, Python and Ruby. What's New in This Release: · ...

Multiprotocol Instant Messenger Annotations Library

It provides a simple annotation-driven API for developing messaging business functionality and messenger bots over the AIM, Yahoo, GTalk/Jabber and IRC protocols. Key features "Multiprotocol Instant Messenger Annotations Library": · Single interface for many common messengers, including AIM, Yahoo! and IRC. · Integrated custom classloader to allow seamless integration of ...

Experimental Factor Ontology

It is an application focused on the ontology modeling ot the experimental factors in ArrayExpress.The application is used also in the constructing of mappings to multiple existing domain specific ontologies, such as Disease Ontology. ...