Development Tools PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

Development Tools PHP script downloads

PHP Application Framework

PHP Application Framework (PAF) is a framework for developing PHP applications using model-driven and generative techniques. ...

PHP Bind

PHPBind is a complete PHP class for managing BIND's configuration files. Using no outside resources, and implemented completely within PHP it offers full control of named.conf and associated (or not) domain db files. ...

php Booba

php-Booba is a simple PHP framework for developing web applications. ...


PHP_CON is a PHP Core Framework which included Template Engine, Multi-Language System, Forum, Exchange Center, Photo Album, Membership Management and User Registration. Base on the pattern, developer can enhance more functions for it by writing more module. ...

PHP Debug Var

Debug-Var is a PHP class for sophisticated display of variables when developing scripts. It offers similar information about variables as the PHP-functions "var_dump" or "var_export", but has more options and a much more improved grafical output! Features - Easily switch debug on and off. - Display a summary with ...

PHP Docbook Displayer

PHP Docbook Displayer provides XSL and CSS stylesheets, and PHP scripts, to generate easily and dynamically websites from Docbook files. It aims at simplifying to the max the web publication process : simply drop the docbook file under the site root ! ...

PHP Dreamtime

PHP Dreamtime is a development framework for deploying web sites. It includes template management, re-usable components, and a content manager. ...

PHP Dump Maker

PHP Dump Maker  is a smart PHP backup tool. Reads given SRC subdirs, creates set of directories filled (or linked) with the content of SRC, made to fit given capacity. Featuresps, ISO creation, on-the freation, on-the file splitting, index creating and dex creating and more. ...


PHP_Dyn is a PHP Extension to help debugging a PHP script. You can get execution trace of scripts not to need change them. HTTP request parameter can be printed. Argument value of the function call and return value can be printed. ...

PHP FunctionCallTracer

PHP_FunctionCallTracer creates a function calls debug trace. Functions arguments, returned parameters and watched variables are reported in the same section. Traced variables can be processed by provided user functions for displaying purposes. ...

PHP HTML parser

PHP HTML parser allows you to to parse HTML from php scripts. ...

Php Mysql Site Builder

Php/Mysql Site Builder is a PHP/Mysql tool for managing your homepage. You can create dynamic and static versions of your site. ...

PHP O Lait

PHP-O-Lait, in a few lines of code (three if you include the 'require_once') provides a transparent bridge between server-side PHP methods and client-side JavaScript code.PHP-O-Lait uses Ajax to send the request and receive the response, and JSON for the data encoding / decoding. You don't need to know what either of these are ...

Php Object Template

The goal of Pot is to totally divide logic from the design. Pot can be used by ‘common’ people just writing some XML tags in the html code, that will be parsed by the Php Pot code to create the final working page. For ‘working page’ is inteded a page that ...


PHP-PDB is a set of PHP classes that manipulate Palm OS databases. It lets you read, write, alter, and easily use data that is meant to be sent to or retrieved from a handheld. It requires PHP 4.0.1 or later, but due to security problems with PHP 4, you should have version ...

PHP Project Navigator

PHP Project Navigator is a web based source browser for PHP scripts. Its strength, in comparison to other PHP source analysis tools, is the parser that it uses to produce its cross-reference database. The parser is distributed as a Perl script called and uses the PHP 5 grammar from the ...

PHP Reusable Web Framework rwfPHP

PHP Reusable Web Framework (rwfPHP) is a set of Object Oriented classes that allow development of Object Oriented Event driven web applications. You can speed development through the use of PHP web controls and use of templates. ...

php rrd grapher

php rrd grapher is a tool design to maximize the power of the rrdtool via a webinterface. php rrd grapher is a complete rrdtool administration website; You will be able to create rrd's, import existing ones, make your own graphs using the interface and much more; it'll support about every rrdtool ...

PHP Runtime

PHP Runtime was created to help PHP developers (mainly PHP-GTK developers) distribute their applications without having to worry about getting the PHP executable and DLL's distributed aswell. If PHP Runtime picks up, and enough people have it, writing PHP-GTK applications will run automatically without any hassles. The seemless integration should pick ...

php Site Manager

This application is a Simple PHP Site Management System. This software uses for Template Engine "Smarty Template", for db connection MySql4 class derived from phpBB2 and for Visual Editor uses a modified version of TinyMCE. ...