Scientific/Engineering scripts - Top 4 Download

Scientific/Engineering script downloads

Extended great common divisor function

This script contains a function that finds out the gcd(a,b)(great common divisor of a and b) as a linear conbination of a anb b, ax by=gcd(a,b). ...

Discrete Event Calculus Reasoner

The Discrete Event Calculus Reasoner is an open source program for performing automated commonsense reasoning using the event calculus, a comprehensive and highly usable logic-based formalism. It solves problems efficiently by converting them into satisfiability (SAT) problems. Features: - Comes with 99 examples - Comes with 13-page user's manual ...

Bc Language

bc is a language that supports arbitrary precision numbers with interactive execution of statements. There are some similarities in the syntax to the C programming language.A standard math library is available by command line option. If requested, the math library is defined before processing any files. bc starts by processing code ...


Gpiv is a graphic user interface program for recording and analyzing images obtained from a fluid flow that has been seeded with tracer particles by the so-called Particle Image Velocimetry technique (PIV).The program allows to have a quick overview of the parameter settings of all processes, easily changing them, executing the ...

Gnome Flow

Gnome Flow is a program written to calculate and visualize simple steady state fluid flows. It uses the relaxation method, and can calculate flows past symmetric objects.Steady state means, that it calculates the flow at a given time, and that the physical parameters are constant in time. Requirements: · gnomelibs ...

GNU Gama

GNU Gama is a package for adjustment of geodetic free networks (acronym Gama is formed from words geodesy and mapping). GNU Gama is written in C and currently supports only adjustment in a local carthesian coordinate system; adjustment in global coordinate system is part of new development branch.A part of GNU ...


Condict is a program for building dictionaries. It is currently in beta form, and is written in Python with the wxPython GUI library. REQUIREMENTS Condict requires the following packages: 1) Python (, version 2.2 or later. 2) wxPython (, version 2.4 or later. 3) PyXML (, version 0.8 or later The ...


nldict is a Ruby interface to the on-line version of the one volume Van Dale Hedendaags Nederlands, a renowned dictionary of the modern Dutch language.It can be used to obtain the spelling, grammatical information and the definition of all words in the dictionary. To obtain the spelling variations, plural forms, example ...

Guido van Robot

Guido van Robot, or GvR for short, is a programming language and free software application designed to introduce beginners to the fundamentals of programming.GvR runs on Windows, Macintosh, and GNU/Linux, in a variety of languages! It's great in both the classroom and the home as a way of introducing people to ...