Programming Methods & Algorithms Python scripts - Top 4 Download

Programming Methods & Algorithms Python script downloads

The Singleton Pattern implemented with Python

This script contains a class that shows how to implement the singleton pattern in Python. A singleton is a class that makes sure only one instance of it is ever created. Typically such classes are used to manage resources that by their very nature can only exist once. ...

Get system language dependent paths on windows

This module provides a few functions to retrieve the path names of some windows system directories from the registry and the environment. These path names can be different depending on OS version, installation language, current user and personal setup. Because of this, they should not be included statically in your program. ...

Get attributes of an object in MS Active Directory

Sometimes it is useful to know what attributes are available to you for an object in active directory. You cannot ask the object directly for that, instead you need to use the schema of the object. All of this is done with python's COM support using win32com. By default only attributes ...

Tkinter moving geometry methods

A common way to create new compound widgets is to inherit Frame, create everything you need inside it and pack this base Frame on your application.This script is an alternative to this method, that sets geometry methods and options from a wiget to another. ...


This script contains a small but efficient recursive function for printing the permutation of characters in a given string. ...

Encrypting A String

The main purpose of these functions are to encrypt and decrypt a string (or change the string from one "language" into another). The code is simple, but it provides a simple solution to a well-known encryption scheme. As a recommendation, this may be better when used in conjunction with an encoding ...

Ruby like syntactic sugar

Ruby offers very nice language constructs for loops or for iterating over lists like the following: 5.times { print "Hello World" }. This recipe shows how to implement these features in python. ...

Call a Callback when a Tkinter Text is Modified

This script shows you how to make use of the virtual event that determines to call your own callback. Tkinter Text widget notices when it's modified. ...

Allowing the Python profiler to profile C modules

This script lets you take into account time spent in C modules when profiling your Python code. Normally the profiler only profiles Python code, so finding out how much time is spent accessing a database, running encryption code, sleeping and so on is difficult. Profilewrap makes it easy to profile C ...

Computing permutations with duplicates

This script handles duplicate values in a list. It could easily be made a generator, and it does not require recursion. ...

Finite State Machine FSM

This script shows a Finite State Machine (FSM) that can be used for small parsing tasks. The code is quite simple. The bulk of it is comments. In addition to state this FSM also maintains a user defined "something". This "something" is effectively memory, so this FSM could be considered a ...

Drawing inheritance diagrams with Dot

Dot is a very nice graph description language developed at MIT. Combined with Python, it makes an ideal tool to automatically generate diagrams. This script produces beautiful inheritance diagrams for Python classes (and metaclasses too). In particular the recipe allows to display the MRO (Method Resolution Order) for complicate inheritance hierarchies. ...

Load data in browser without using temp files

This script displays the html files in the default web browser without creating a temp file. It instantiates a trivial http server and calls with a URL to retrieve html from that server. ...

A generator for any number of for loop

Python has a number of nice methods to handle 'for' loops. However, the situation often arises where you have a large number of nested loops. This script allows you to reduces the number of loops to one. ...


This class creates a buffered iterator for reading big arrays in small contiguous blocks. The class is useful for objects stored in the filesystem. It allows iteration over the object without reading everything in memory; instead, small blocks are read and iterated over. The class can be used with any object ...

All k subsets from an n set

This script yields each subset of size k from a super set of size n. There are two methods. The first operates on sets of integers of the form range(n). The seconds operates on arbitrary sets or lists. ...

A simple date class

This script can be used by anyone who wants a date object for a program. The code was written as a help for someone trying to do the same thing in C . ...

Create an account in MS active directory

This script contains the basic code to create an account in active directory that shows how to do things like set your own exension attributes, force a reset of the password when the user logs in, and set the home directory. It makes used of python's excellent COM support in win32com. ...

Rabin Miller probabilistic prime test

In this script is included a method for performing the Rabin-Miller probabilistic test for a composite witness.  Rabin-Miller test can only tell us if a value is definitely composite. In the case where a test value is not a witness for the compositeness of a potential prime, it can only lie with a probability ...

Binary search in one line

This is an implementation of the binary search algorithm in (almost) one line. Given a number 'n' and a list 'L', the function returns the index of the number on the list, or -1. ...