All k subsets from an n set

All k-subsets from an n-set 1.0

All k-subsets from an n-set 1.0 Download Summary

  • Language: Python
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Other Free / Open Source License - Python License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 527
  • Released: Jun 6, 2007

All k-subsets from an n-set 1.0 Description

This script yields each subset of size k from a super set of size n. There are two methods. The first operates on sets of integers of the form range(n). The seconds operates on arbitrary sets or lists.

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Choose a random k subset of 1 2 n

This script is a translation of the Fortran subroutine RANKSB. ...

Grouping objects into disjoint sets

... using .join(), tested for connectedness using joined(), and all disjoint sets can be retreived using get(). The objects being joined must be hashable. ...

Convex hull and diameter of 2d point sets

... points represented as pairs (x,y). The convex hull algorithm is Graham's scan, using a coordinate-based sorted order ... commonly seen radial sorted order. A rotating calipers algorithm generates candidate pairs of vertices for the diameter calculation. Care was taken handling tricky cases such as pairs of points with the same x-coordinate ...

Extract a inner function from a class

This function can extract a inner function from a class or a function. It may be useful when writing a unit test code. ...

Implementation of sets using sorted lists

This script implements set operations using sorted lists as the underlying data ... element comparisons.Results are built using fast-slicing. - Algorithms are designed to minimize the number of compares ... accomodation needs to be made to use a set or dict as a set member, but users need to be careful to ...