PHP Classes scripts - Top 4 Download

PHP Classes script downloads


It can insert, update, query or delete database items.While it is not an OOP framework, it does allow database operations to be executed with fewer steps. ...

Flaimo s little package

FLP (Flaimo's little package) is a collection of PHP classes. At the moment it contains following classes: iCalendar, i18n (internationalization), vCard, Cache, RSS Builder, Atom Builder, ReloadPreventer, Ticker (a SMS/E-Mail Shoutbox/Guestbook) and Thumbn ...

PHP MicroTemplate

This class provides an extremely fast, lightweight templating system for HTML and other text-based documents. Like FastTemplate and its many clones, MTPL supports nested blocks and looping. However, the entire implementation is done without a single regular expression. The PHP interpreter is leveraged for its built-in variable interpolation, and explode() is ...

PEAR QuickTime

Apple's QuickTime multimedia architecture has some fantastic features that can be exploited through server-side scripting and HTML embedding, but it's something of a black art. There is confusion and inconsistency in how best to embed QuickTime in web pages, deal with QTVR, let movies talk to each other, pass XML QTLists ...


PHPRPMs is a collection of RPM packages that add various PHP extensions to the PHP that you have as a part of your RPM-based Linux Distribution (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, WhiteBox or Fedora Core). The advantages of this approach are: - you don't have to rebuild PHP from the ...

class xslt

This class is an abstraction class for an XSLT processor, it let's you setup the XML to be processed and the XSLT stylesheet to use from a file or a PHP string. This implementation uses the Sablotron XSLT processor and was updated to work with the new PHP 4.1.x xslt extension. ...


phpDbObject is a class to map an object to a database, written in PHP. It allows object relational mapping (ORM). ...

PHPerl Application

PHPerl links a Perl interpreter into a PHP module for Apache. It provides a PHP API for managing Perl interpreters and evaluating Perl expressions, plus a package of Perl subroutines to assist in executing Perl packages in PHP context. ...

PHP Progressbar

ProgressBar.class.php is an easy to use solution for time consuming operations and loops in PHP.The class increases the timelimit for script-execution (if safe-mode is turned off), prevents a browser-timeout by sending pieces auf the progressbar to the browser and gives the user live-feedback on the progress of the running operation. ...

php arapi library

The php-arapi library is an extension for PHP4 and PHP5 for integration to BMC Remedy AR System. The library currently supports data operations.php-arapi uses Remedy Template Library to access BMC Remedy AR System. The library allows you to access AR System either through function calls or via classes. Functions - arapi_initialization(,,), ...


PSpecialNavi is a PHP class which creates a JavaScript navigation system.  Because of its dissolve - effect it seems to be a Flash Animation. ...


Eclipse - the Extensible Class Library for PHP Software Engineers - is an object-oriented programming library written in PHP. ...

Cute PHP library

cphplib (Cute PHP library) is a small collection of classes for PHP. Purpose of the classes is to simplify functions for daily work with PHP. e.g. convertions, formating, DB session and so on. ...

PHP unified diff patcher

PHP unified diff patcher is a powerful class which allows to create and merge unified diff patches into any file.Fully written in PHP, uses the GNU standard unified diff format and allows any t and allows any on / update / deletion). ...


PHPeas is a component architecture for the PHP 5 object model, and an associated set of helper libraries to help simplify and enhance the existing PHP object introspection and reflection APIs. A PHPea is an object oriented, reusable software component built using the PHP 5 Object Model. The primary, unifying feature ...


PHP HTMLTables is a set of PHP 5 classes used to generate properly formed HTML tables. This class will speed up the development of your websites. ...

K Pregs

K-Pregs is a PHP library. It comes with many functions related to Regular Expressions. All these are Perl compatible, fast and very efficient functions. Some example validation functions: Visa, MasterCard, Email, Url, etc... ...

PHP DataCache

phpDataCache is a PHP class library to provide an easy API for caching data as PHP variables. Supports multiple DAOs for deploying in a variety of situations. ...

PHPClass Generator

PHP Class Generator is a PHP Class Generator that generates SQL and PHP classes from a XML-file. ...