Eclipse 3.1

Eclipse 3.1 Download Summary

  • Language: PHP
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 506
  • Released: Aug 14, 2007

Eclipse 3.1 Description

Eclipse - the Extensible Class Library for PHP Software Engineers - is an object-oriented programming library written in PHP.

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Eclipse 3.1 Script Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of Eclipse 3.1 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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Cute PHP library

cphplib (Cute PHP library) is a small collection of classes for PHP. Purpose of the classes is to simplify functions for daily work with PHP. e.g. convertions, formating, DB session and so on. ...

php arapi library

The php-arapi library is an extension for PHP4 and PHP5 for integration to BMC Remedy AR System. The library currently supports data operations.php-arapi uses Remedy Template Library to access BMC Remedy AR System. The library allows you to access AR System either through ...

PHP DataCache

phpDataCache is a PHP class library to provide an easy API for caching data as PHP variables. Supports multiple DAOs for deploying in a variety of situations. ...


... to Adobe Systems Inc. FDF Toolkit - a library that lets you create and parse data for/from ... - php-imagick: a wrapper to ImageMagick image processing library - php-mailparse: a library for parsing and decoding email - php-mcrypt: an interface to libmcrypt - an encryption library - php-mhash: an interface to libmhash - ...

Flaimo s little package

FLP (Flaimo's little package) is a collection of PHP classes. At the moment it contains following classes: iCalendar, i18n (internationalization), vCard, Cache, RSS Builder, Atom Builder, ReloadPreventer, Ticker (a SMS/E-Mail Shoutbox/Guestbook) and Thumbn ...