RSS & Feeds scripts - Top 4 Download

RSS & Feeds script downloads

Automatic Store Feeds

This contribution is a combination of the Froogle (Google base), Yahoo, Bizrate, and the new Bidhopper Store Feed contributions plus the added admin configuration group for easy install. This contribution was created as an improvement to the existing 'store feeders' contribution with the addition of tons of new features including the ...

Backends RSS

Backends RSS script provides two backends in rss format: one for the whats_new equivalent and one with the main categories listing.These backends are useful to show osc information in other CMS like PostNuke. ...

BizRate com Auto Data Feed Auto Data Feed script creates and automatically sends a data feed to BizRate, to provide product information and pictures.This BizRate Data Feeder, handles product duplicates, specials (if available), currency conversion, html descriptions, full category trees, and automatic upload. It only adds products and specials that are in stock. ...


CaRP is a script that runs on your website. It converts "RSS newsfeeds" to HTML content and inserts it automatically into your webpages. CaRP periodically checks the RSS feeds for updates, and when it finds new content, it updates your webpage automatically. RSS feeds are data feeds that usually contain headlines ...

Crazy Funky Freaky Music Machine

It can create RSS feeds for streaming mp3s or other audio files.These feeds can also be accessed by a Playstation Portable. ...

DealGates Instant Deals feeder

DealGates Instant Deals feeder will allow you to generate a feed of Instant Deals from your store to DealGates Auctions USA or UK. ...


feeds2mysql is a set of PHP scripts that fetches, parses, and inserts feed data into a database for easy ouput and other manipulation. It has a multiuser function enabled. It handles RSS and ATOM feeds; autodiscover function is also enabled. ...

Froogle Data Feeder

Creates and automatically sends a data feed to Froogle, to provide product information and pictures. This Froogle Data Feeder, handles product duplicates, specials(if available), currency conversion, tax support, html descriptions, full category trees, and automatic upload. In addition, the Froogle Data Feeder supports advance feeds. With the advance feed option enabled ...


gfeed is an Rss Feed reader for Linux and Gtk -2.0 It is designed to be a simple yet highly customizeable reader, not an agggregater, which means it is designed for easy integration into a desktop. Its features include: - Customizable "feed" files that describe a feed - Full ...

Google Base Froogle Data Feeder

Google Base / Froogle Data Feeder creates and automatically sends a data feed to Google Base and Froogle using Google's new unified feed specification.This Google Data Feeder, handles product duplicates, specials(if available), currency conversion, tax support, html descriptions, full category trees, and automatic upload. In addition, the Google Data Feeder supports ...

Google XML Sitemap Feed

This contribution was coded to meet the protocol specification delineated by Google for the XML Sitemaps experimental service.Features: - Super easy install - no file edits! - Generation of sitemap files for products and categories (separate files) - Generation of a sitemap index file - Built-in support for ...


GRxmlEDIT is a PHP based web application designed to make the manual creation of XML and RSS files easier. Its easy to use web form allows you to add a node with children, ans set their content. You can set the names of each element (nodes and children). The user end ...


LeafRSS - The Learning Filtered RSS Aggregator: A simple RSS aggregator that learns to filter out unwanted articles from multiple feeds automatically. Written in PHP, LeafRSS is ideal for presentation of aggregated and filtered RSS text on a web site. ...


Mantra is a centralized, web-based Usenet newsreader written in PHP. It uses a PostgreSQL database to store overview and cache information and features SQL, NIS and LDAP users support, article scoring, RDF/RSS, usage statistics, online logs, and more. ...


mbox2rss is a PHP Software that reads Files stored in the UNIX-MBOX-Format, and exports the contents (the Mails) as RSS-Feed. ...


MonkeyChow is a feed aggregator reader (branched from FeedOnFeeds) with social bookmarks (, Blogger, Newsvine, Technorati, mailto), article starring, feed tagging, OPML, article search, reblogging and refeeding, aging, and edit feed attributes. It is PHP and mySQL based.  ...


mYLastRSS is a PHP class to parse several RSS/RDF feeds and give an ordered result. It include extension class to make RSS-rewriting (with values changing or results filtering). mYLastRSS support these modules: Media RSS, iTunes and Dublin Core. ...

News Box

NewsBox is a PHP Script to collect news from other sites (just the headline) and store them in a MySQL DB. NewsBox is a unique news page that offers access to multiple news sources in german and english. Each source is configurable and there is support for RSS / RDF news ...


Noffle is a Usenet news server optimized for few users and low speed dial-up connections to the Internet. It acts as a server to news clients running on the local host, but gets its news feed by acting as a client to a remote server. Noffle is written for the GNU/Linux ...

Open RSS Bar

Open RSS Bar is an open source flash RSS reader which you can use indirectly by linking via iframe or by adding the flash directly to your site and providing WebService proxy to the Feed Library WebService. ...