Development Tools PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

Development Tools PHP script downloads

PHP Reusable Web Framework rwfPHP

PHP Reusable Web Framework (rwfPHP) is a set of Object Oriented classes that allow development of Object Oriented Event driven web applications. You can speed development through the use of PHP web controls and use of templates. ...


PHP_CON is a PHP Core Framework which included Template Engine, Multi-Language System, Forum, Exchange Center, Photo Album, Membership Management and User Registration. Base on the pattern, developer can enhance more functions for it by writing more module. ...


phpPat is an open-source php template engine. phpPat is extremely easy to use. It was build to increase the readability of your php scripts and enable you to fully practise your creativity. It can separate php code from html and perform complex tasks. ...

PHP Debug Var

Debug-Var is a PHP class for sophisticated display of variables when developing scripts. It offers similar information about variables as the PHP-functions "var_dump" or "var_export", but has more options and a much more improved grafical output! Features - Easily switch debug on and off. - Display a summary with ...


The PHLIPS project is a PHP extension for CLIPS, a tool for building expert systems.CLIPS is a tool for building expert systems. This PHP extension provides PHP with a basic interface to a CLIPS environment. Its purpose is to allow deployment of expert systems in PHP. In this early phase of ...

Common HTML GUI Widgets

Common HTML GUI Widgets is a library for PHP that is used in every website that uses PHP and MySQL. It may speed up production of websites. It makes coding easier and aids the benefit for possible RAD envionment programs. ...

php xml db tools

php xml db tools is a collection of php scripts that create, and parse through xml data schemas to automate the creation of database backed web sites. ...

PHP Advanced Component Library

PACL - PHP Advanced Component Library is an advanced "java-style" PHP5 framework/class library for easy building robust web applications. The vision is to enable abstract and rapid development of sophisticated PHP applications in few lines of code. ...


Mocha consists of a series of freely available PHP libraries which provide Java-like classes for use within PHP. If you are a Java programmer who is learning PHP, or if you like to write PHP in a more object-oriented fashion, then Mocha is for you. ...

php Booba

php-Booba is a simple PHP framework for developing web applications. ...

Deer Template Engine

Deer - Template Engine is simple template engine which allows you separate PHP code and (X)HTML layout(s). Deer is programmed in PHP5 and doesn`t requires any PHP extensions. The goal of project is to be most used template engine as php extension. Has support for variables, conditions, dynamic blocks, etc. It`s ...


My-Bic is a PHP/AJAX framework that aims to be used in enterprise level and below web development projects. My-Bic is capable of handling network down situations, JSON client side encoding, one line form processing and built in visual debugging. ...

PHP Wife

PHP Wife is a web aplication Framework written in PHP 5 and released under the GPL License.It implements the Model View Controller design pattern and features : - Ajax Integration - Database Abstraction using the PDO class - An abstract Data Access Object, which allows you to write a ...

poopf PHP framework

poopf - persistent object-oriented PHP framework - is a minimal set of classes for using database records in MySQL or PostgreSQL, while avoiding the thickness of adodb or pear::db. It provides also a secure Cookie class for persisting authenticated clients. Example: $db = new MySQL('localhost','mydb','brian','cletus',''); $user = >$db-get_record("user_table",$_PARAM["user_id"]); echo >$user-name; ...


HTML2PHP API is a complete set of classes for building Web Systems according the W3C HTML 4.01 Specification, over 80 classes including methods for setting and getting VALID attributes, you won't write different versions of your site for correct browser rendering, you will be always using W3C HTML 4.01 specification, also ...

HTML Parser for PHP

This is an open source HTML parser written in PHP. This parser also comes with a tool that converts HTML to text, as an example. This parser is designed for speed and flexibility. It does not create an object model for you. But it doesn't prevent you from using its results ...

Another PHP Extension

Another PHP Extension is a PHP-driven Template Abstraction Layer. Features: - Fast - never recompiles unchanged templates. - Clever - caches all work results. - Flexible - no hardcoded operators. - Powerful - can overload HTML tags. - Friendly - operators looks like HTML tags. ...


This project provides a documentation generator for php script. The documentation is generated using special tags inserted in the code or in separate files. The program also looks in the code for php keywords like 'function', 'class'. ...

PHP Dump Maker

PHP Dump Maker  is a smart PHP backup tool. Reads given SRC subdirs, creates set of directories filled (or linked) with the content of SRC, made to fit given capacity. Featuresps, ISO creation, on-the freation, on-the file splitting, index creating and dex creating and more. ...

Php XPath

Php.XPath is a php class for searching an XML document using XPath, and making modifications using a DOM style API. Does not require the DOM XML PHP library. ...