Complete applications scripts - Top 4 Download

Complete applications script downloads


Qunix is a Unix-like system built in PHP. It uses the latest in Javascript DHTML technologies to create a seamless interface. ...

PHP Software Updater

This project consists of a specification of how a client should communicate with the server to fetch it's updates. The server is scaled to support hosting of mulitple applications at the same time. This tools allow to write website software which updates more or less automatically from the main programming server ...


FlashBPELViewer is a Macromedia Flash ActiveBpel process viewer. Processes can be shown, flow and view of variables used to invoke webservices. ...

Ivmuk OS

Ivmuk-OS is small RTOS for microcontrollers with low resources. Microchip's PIC16F877A MCU uses about 70 bytes of RAM and 800 bytes Flash. Memory usage depends on number of tasks and messages defined. This should create competition to Salvo OS some day. Features: - Tasks management. - Messages passing. - ...


openflash is an open source utility to (re)program flash BIOS chips. Initial support will be for the i-opener network appliance under Qnx since there is an immediate need. ...


USBSink is a GNOME program for automatic file synchronization over USB. It is designed for users of removable drives, such as flash drives or external hard disks. In USBSink you define a task associated to a particular USB drive, and then have a complete automation of data transfers. With file monitoring ...


CardTest is a software used to diagnose flash cards such as CF, SD, etc through a card reader. ...

S3U Memory Test

S3U is a simple utility for testing USB mass storage devices such as a flash memory reader. Tests include stuck-at data bit faults and sequential read and write speeds. Note the device that under test will need to be re-formatted once tested. Once the S3U executable is started, a graphical user ...


The JGenerator is the web server production application that can dynamically combine text, graphics, and sound to build rich Flash content. The JGenerator is a free alternative to and analog of the Macromedia Generator. It supports most of the Macromedia Generator features, uses the same data format, the same set of ...


Clash is a tool for making bootable Compact Flash/Mini ISO systems. It includes scripts for preparing the image, some essential networking root filesystems, tools to help you build your own root filesystem, and documentation describing the steps involved. ...

QCat C C

A catalog application for various media types - CD, DVD, NetDrives, USB flash keys, etc. It can import data from famous WhereIsIt Windows applicaion. In a word this is a try to make a WhereIsIt-like application for Linux. ...

Election Simulation System

Election Simulation System is a web-based application to simulate an election. Its written in PHP, Macromedia Flash and uses MySQL. WARNING: Its for academic purpose only. ...

Grim Linker GUI

The Grim Linker GUI can be used as a standalone interface for many simple miscellaneous tasks, such as remoting a pc using VNC (VNC will be pushed to the machine and remotely started), rebooting, logging users off, and locking work stations. It can also be used to "Telnet" to pc's and ...


OpenSFD (Open Simple Flasher/Dumper) is a future of well-known SGHFD (SGH Flasher/Dumper) which can flash (firmware program) or dump (get data) in many Samsung phones in a few clicks. The project is educational and intended for non-commercial use only. ...


gVRflash is a Gnome flash utility for the Agenda VR3.gVRflash is a graphical frontend using gnome/gtk for the standard flash-utility (vrflash) suplied with the Agenda VR3 from Agenda computing. ...


pyFlashCards is a wxPython based software for creating and studying flash cards. Thanks to python and wxPython it is multiplatform; it runs on Windows and Linux (you could probably get it to run on a Mac without too much work). It uses Leitner system for flash card repetition. Cards can contain ...


AppStarter allows you to launch applications off your USB flash drive without having to worry about replacing drive letters anywhere. You can replace drive letters in a file or any command line tags, configure up to 12 applications to be launched, and set applications as favorites and start them with one ...

Multitech Flash Wizard

This project is for C /C source code to flash update modems manufactured by Multi-Tech Systems Inc by sending ASCII hex files through serial channels to said modems. Current limitations: - It has not been tested with Conexant modems yet (5600ZDX/BA, 5656ZDX) - It runs fairly slowly - ...


The goal of the Gordon project is to provide a collection of small tools that can be used to create/manipulate Macromedia Flash movies. Creating a full-fledged GUI based Flash authoring tool is (at least for now) not one of the goals. Gordon is to Macromedia Flash what Povray is to 3DStudioMAX. ...

PHP Runtime

PHP Runtime was created to help PHP developers (mainly PHP-GTK developers) distribute their applications without having to worry about getting the PHP executable and DLL's distributed aswell. If PHP Runtime picks up, and enough people have it, writing PHP-GTK applications will run automatically without any hassles. The seemless integration should pick ...