Database Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Database Tools script downloads


mydbaccess provides a modular user interface to browse MySQL databases based on a relational design framework.mydbaccess is a GUI for MySQL databases featuring powerful and end-user-friendly search, query and reporting engine functionality. The application runs OUT-OF-THE-BOX after unpacking to a suitably PHP-enabled web-server publishing location. ...


PheXist is a set of classes (PHP5, PHP4 & Perl) to query and manipulate XML documents in eXist XML:DB. eXist is an Open Source native XML database featuring efficient, index-based XQuery processing, automatic indexing, extensions for full-text search, XUpdate support and tight integration with existing XML development tools. This set of ...

PHP Class Generator

The PHP Class Generator is a small windows desktop application that allows a PHP programmer to generate Entity classes from a MySQL database table. For instance, if the user has a table in his or her MySQL database called customers. With this app, that programmer can generate an Entity class called ...


SqliteWebAdmin is a OpenSource web based Database administration tool for SQLite Databases, written in PHP.Features - Manage multiple SQLite Databases - Create new Databases - Show, and Edit Database Properties - Create new Tables - Show and Edit table structure - Browsing Table Data ...

PHP DB Edit Toolkit

PHP DB Edit Toolkit is a set of PHP classes makes the generation of database edit interfaces easier and faster. The main class builds tabular and form views based on a data dictionary and takes over handling of insert/update/delete and user input. PHPDBEditTk's work is based on a so-called data dictionary, ...


doSQL() is a PHP4 script that can dump data back from a SQL text file (generated by backupDB() (also available on this site), phpMyAdmin, or similar) to a new database, or run any number of SQL commands in batch mode. Detailed progress reporting, including time remaing, processing rate (text and graph ...

Database resultset navigation

Database resultset navigation script helps you to create page links for your (MySQL) database resultset.This PHP function is all you need to create forward / backward links (paging) for the records in a database resultset. The setup is very easy, just call the function at the place where the links to ...

Web Based Database Query Tool

Web Based Database Query Tool is a simple free Web based MySql database query tool.Features: - Web based mysql database query tool in php. - Easy to use tool that can be integrated in to any web page. - Dynamically change to any database or host. - Execute select, update, delete,abase ...


QuickDat is an easy way to store your data online, without the need to have support for databases (such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MSSQL) on your server. Features: - Manage tables - Add/ Edit/ Delete table rows - Simple scratchpad to edit texts - Search tables, search rows - Complete calendar ...


It provides a web front end to add, modify, delete or search on any type of database. You can use the easy setup wizard to create your own database from scratch, or auto create a configuration file based on an existing table! DBMan SQL also includes a flexible user system. You ...


DBMan is a full-featured Database Manager that provides a web interface to add, remove, modify or view records in a flatfile ascii database. An advanced user management system helps keep database maintenance easy and efficient, while a powerful permissions system lets you monitor and manage additions to your growing database. ...


phpWebApp is an application framework which makes easy and simple the task of building PHP web applications based on relational databases. It separates the task of designing and changing the layout of the application from the task of implementing the logic of the application, by using XML templates that are an ...


Document Archive (docarc) is a database written in Perl to help you (and your workgroup) keeping track of the vast amount of electronic documents and BibTeX entries you might have in use. The underlying database is MySQL (because it's addressed through Perl's DBI, it might work with others as well). It's ...

MySQL Backup Tool

MySQL Backup is written in Perl. It uses mysqlshow to grab the database names and "show tables" to grab the table names for a user's account, and then uses mysqldump to save the data in a subdirectory named in the script. It then tars and gzips the files, using the date ...


This script provides you a freely available tool for Gene-centered collection and display of DNA variations with minimal phenotype and patient data. ...


knoda is a database frontend for KDE. It is based on hk_classes and is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Knoda allows you to: - define and delete databases; - create, alter and delete tables,indices and referential integrity; - add, change and delete data in tables; ...


refbase is a web-based, standards-compliant, multi-user interface for managing scientific literature and bibliographic references. Based on php and mysql, it offers a bibliography database with powerful search tools and automatically generated citation lists. You can have a look at a more detailed introduction to the aims and history of refbase. Features: - ...


FormEntry will build an HTML form for your SQL tables allowing users to maintain some or all of the content through familar HTML forms and yet you don't need to bother to create the HTML.FormEntry will generate the form directly from the tables and control the behavior and access of each ...


Bonddb is a object oriented wrapper for postgresql SQL. It's a fast data abstraction layer written in C for C/C applications to allow easy access to class objects.Bonddb is not a stand alone object oriented database, but works on top of SQL so you still get a solid proven backend with ...


Pybliographer is a tool for managing bibliographic databases. You can either use its graphical interface (based on Gnome) which provides powerful editing capabilities, a nice hierarchical search mechanism, direct insertion of references into LyX and Kile, direct queries on Medline, and more. Or you can directly access its internal python classes ...