MySQL Backup is written in Perl. It uses mysqlshow to grab the database names and "show tables" to grab the table names for a user's account, and then uses mysqldump to save the data in a subdirectory named in the script. It then tars and gzips the files, using the date and time for the file name.
It can be run from cron on a daily basis. It now removes old files and has an option to email the gzip file to an admin. It also has options to use "select data into outfile" or a regular "select" for users who can't use mysqldump. (Some hosts don't allow that.)
- options to refine the tar/gzip functions (-z switch, piped or two step method, intermediate text file deletion and support for bzip2);
- mysqldump now uses --result-file (check your version of mysqldump!);
- the script can now be run from the web, with password protection;
- the script now works on both Linux and Windows (including email and ftp functions);
- fixed a much requested bug with the parsing of whereis output;
- added a significant amount of error checking;
- cleaned up the reporting method;
- rewrote the subroutine that deletes text files;
- added a switch to disable reporting to stdout;
- created a method for selecting method of output (screen, email or both) for all print commands;
Top 4 Download periodically updates information of MySQL Backup Tool script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.
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