knoda 0.8.3

knoda 0.8.3 Download Summary

  • Language: C/C++
  • Platform: Linux / BSD
  • License: LGPL - GNU Lesser General Public License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 659
  • Released: May 18, 2007

knoda 0.8.3 Description

knoda is a database frontend for KDE. It is based on hk_classes and is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Knoda allows you to:
- define and delete databases;
- create, alter and delete tables,indices and referential integrity;
- add, change and delete data in tables;
- define, execute and store sql queries;
- define, execute and store queries with a "query by example" GUI;
- create, alter and delete views;
- import and export CSV data;
- define and use forms;
- define and print reports; and
- write your own extensions using the integrated Python interpreter as scripting language

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knoda 0.8.3 Script Download Notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates information of knoda 0.8.3 script from the developer, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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DBMan is a full-featured Database Manager that provides a web interface to add, remove, modify or view records in a flatfile ascii database. An advanced user management system helps keep database maintenance easy and efficient, while a powerful permissions ... you monitor and manage additions to your growing database. ...


YODA is a PHP built, web-based database tool aimed at users, to allow them to view Oracle objects. Currently it can create/drop/alter tables/view/index/package/function/procedure/trigger/sequence, manage data in table and export to SQL/LaTeX/HTML/ExcelCSV/CSV/XML. ...

Using Berkeley DB Database

Berkeley DB is an open source database. Its most important advantages are its simplicity to ... introductory example, that shows how to create a database, add new elements in it (as Key/Value pairs) ... finally how to print all content of the database. The example is divided in two independent parts. ...


... a full-stack framework written in PHP for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern and other patterns as ActiveRecord and TemplateView. Optimized for programmer productivity. ...

Database resultset navigation

Database resultset navigation script helps you to create page links for your (MySQL) database resultset.This PHP function is all you need to create forward / backward links (paging) for the records in a database resultset. The setup is very easy, just call ... create a variable with the total number of records in your resultset. The function takes care about ...