Database Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

Database Tools script downloads

Christmas Wishlist and Registry

Christmas wishlist and gift registry allows family and friends to search the list and to mark items purchased to prevent multiple same items being purchased. It is written in PHP with a MySQL backend. It requires apache, php, and mysql. ...


DBAComp is an easy-to-use graphical tool for Oracle database administration. It allows to visualise the content of the data dictionary of Oracle databases. It does this in a way that allows you to drill down from one item of information to related ones in a completely graphical way. The SQL used ...


You get: - An actual language that does much database work. - A generator for context-free-grammar parsers, written in and for PHP. (This is way cool, dudes.) - A wikifier . - A big load of automata theory reduced to practice. - The latest and greatest Functional ...


IGLOO is a web based Open Sources software for easily publishing ISIS database to the web. Written in PHP and using PHP-Openisis extension library. With XIGLOO module, you can do a library automation with IGLOO! ...

OracleEditor php

OracleEditor.php is a standalone PHP script which allows you to browse your Oracle database tables and insert, update, and delete rows in any table. It requires no installation and no configuration. Features: - Connects to any Oracle database (local databases, aliases from tnsnames.ora, or complete connection strings) - Lists all ...

DBF reader and writer

In this script the reader iterates over records in Dbase or Xbase files and the writer creates dbf files from Python sequences. ...

VMPS Server Interface System

The VMPS Server Interface System (VSIS), also know as VMPS Registration and Management Server, is a simple web based interface to manage the nightmarish files for the Cisco VMPS Service. Essentially, its a database that gets exported to a text file, that's it. So, yes, essentially there are about 11 different ...


It provides a web front end to add, modify, delete or search on any type of database. You can use the easy setup wizard to create your own database from scratch, or auto create a configuration file based on an existing table! DBMan SQL also includes a flexible user system. You ...


phpMinAdmin is a MySQL management tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a single file ready to deploy to the target server. Features - Connect to a database server with username and password - Select an existing database or create a new one - List fields, ...

Expressions Generator for database requests

This script is a wrapper around DBAPI-compliant databases to support iteration and generator expression syntax for requests, instead of SQL. ...

SQL Tool Box

Sqltoolbox is a collection of database manipulation tools allowing viewing, editing, and querying of data across different database platforms and operating systems.The script is very easy to install, use and customize to suit your needs. ...


PheXist is a set of classes (PHP5, PHP4 & Perl) to query and manipulate XML documents in eXist XML:DB. eXist is an Open Source native XML database featuring efficient, index-based XQuery processing, automatic indexing, extensions for full-text search, XUpdate support and tight integration with existing XML development tools. This set of ...


Bonddb is a object oriented wrapper for postgresql SQL. It's a fast data abstraction layer written in C for C/C applications to allow easy access to class objects.Bonddb is not a stand alone object oriented database, but works on top of SQL so you still get a solid proven backend with ...

Classmethods for Object Relational Mappings

This script shows one use for class methods, i.e. to map Relational tables and rows to objects in python. class methods come in handy when you want all objects in a class to share one method, in this case to retrieve rows from a table. ...

MySQL Backup Tool

MySQL Backup is written in Perl. It uses mysqlshow to grab the database names and "show tables" to grab the table names for a user's account, and then uses mysqldump to save the data in a subdirectory named in the script. It then tars and gzips the files, using the date ...


Mywwwatcher is web-based browser of MySQL database (similar to well known PHPMyAdmin) writen in PHP.It should be used in those hosts where the command line MySQL client is not accessible (e.g. on webhostings sites). Currently it provides database table browsing, query entering, data editing over the WWW. It is a replacement ...


The phpLabDB Project is a community-supported open source project. Built around independent modules that interact with each other, phpLabDB manages a variety of day-to-day useful laboratory information. It is also a high powered and highly customisable open-source laboratory database project. phpLabDB is based on PHP server language and a choice of ...

Web Based Database Query Tool

Web Based Database Query Tool is a simple free Web based MySql database query tool.Features: - Web based mysql database query tool in php. - Easy to use tool that can be integrated in to any web page. - Dynamically change to any database or host. - Execute select, update, delete,abase ...


Document Archive (docarc) is a database written in Perl to help you (and your workgroup) keeping track of the vast amount of electronic documents and BibTeX entries you might have in use. The underlying database is MySQL (because it's addressed through Perl's DBI, it might work with others as well). It's ...

Sequel Explorer

Sequel Explorer is a database management tool. But, it is also much more than just a Database Management Tool. It utilizes the platform-independence of the Perl programming language and the SQL database language to create a universal management platform. This application is very easy to install and use. ...