Database Tools Perl scripts - Top 4 Download

Database Tools Perl script downloads

MySQL Backup Tool

MySQL Backup is written in Perl. It uses mysqlshow to grab the database names and "show tables" to grab the table names for a user's account, and then uses mysqldump to save the data in a subdirectory named in the script. It then tars and gzips the files, using the date ...

Sequel Explorer

Sequel Explorer is a database management tool. But, it is also much more than just a Database Management Tool. It utilizes the platform-independence of the Perl programming language and the SQL database language to create a universal management platform. This application is very easy to install and use. ...


Document Archive (docarc) is a database written in Perl to help you (and your workgroup) keeping track of the vast amount of electronic documents and BibTeX entries you might have in use. The underlying database is MySQL (because it's addressed through Perl's DBI, it might work with others as well). It's ...