Text Management Python scripts - Top 4 Download

Text Management Python script downloads

Design mini lanugage

This script uses Python's superb text handling capability to parse and build the data structure from the input text. ...

OpenOffice to xml and or text

This script converts OpenOffice documents to XML and text. It is useful when you want to index the contents of your documents written with OpenOffice. ...


This script overrides the Python built in function TextWrapper.wrap with an implementation that handles spiltting a document into paragraphs and processing each individually. This allows things such as initial_indent to work as expected. ...

Smart pluralisation

Smart pluralisation script has a function that provides more intelligence than simply adding an 's' to the end of a word. ...

Extract verbatim texts from LaTeX file

This script extracts contents of all verbatim environments from the LaTeX file specified on command line. Modified LaTeX code with verbatiminput commands instead of verbatim is produced on the standard output. ...

Align text string

Align text string script aligns string with spaces between words to fit specified width. ...

Searching nested strings

This script searches nested strings from a line of text. The strings are limited by two different characters. ...

Converting Between Different Naming Convetions

These short functions convert identifier names between the most common naming conventions: CapitalizedWords, mixedCase and under_scores. ...

Visualize unicode strings

If you are processing unicode strings and you want to print the string but run into UnicodeEncodeError all the time, this script shows you some simple steps to visualize unicode strings. ...

Hierarchical Split

Hierarchical Split script is useful when you want to split a string more times, hierarchically. ...

Implementing an Immutable Dictionary

This script represents the implementation of a dictionary, whose items cannot be reset or deleted, nor new can be added. ...

Replacing a portion of a string

This script allows you to replace a portion of a string at a given position. ...