Text Management Python scripts - Top 4 Download

Text Management Python script downloads

Safe Eval

This script evaluates constant expressions, including list, dict and tuple using the abstract syntax tree created by compiler.parse. Since compiler does the work, handling arbitratily nested structures is transparent, the implemenation is very straightforward. ...

A simple Tkinter notebook like widget

This simple notebook class allows you to organize single-toplevel Tkinter apps in a notebook-like fashion, associating each tab to an app, in a way which requires minimal changes in your original apps. This class also supporting different tab orientations (TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT & RIGHT). ...

Accessing Substrings

This script is useful when you want to access portions of a string. For example, you've read a fixed-width record and want to extract the fields. ...

Align text string

Align text string script aligns string with spaces between words to fit specified width. ...

AWK like text processing

AWK is a text processing language that makes it easy to "search files for lines [...] that contain certain patterns. When a line matches one of the patterns, awk performs specified actions on that line." (GNU Awk User's Guide). This script provides a way to do the same thing in python. ...

Blender Script

This script allows you to run a very simple templating-system. ...

Build section numbers for a table of contents

This script shows a way to generate section numbers for a nested document structure. It can be used within a recursive algorithm to build a table of contents. ...

Change line endings

When working between platforms, it is often necessary to convert the line endings on files for them to work, especially when it comes to code. Pass Unix Python code with and it goes nowhere. Same on Mac Python with . This code simply and easily fixes the problem. ...

Changing the indentation of a multi line string

When working with text, it may be necessary to change the indentation level of a block. This code will take a multiline string and add or remove leading spaces to each line so that the indentation level of the block matches some absolute number of spaces. ...

Checking whether a string contains a set of chars

This script contains a function to check on the occurence of a set of characters. ...

Chomsky random text generator

This script creates believable Chomsky style obfuscated prose. ...

Conversion to unicode or byte string

Python's built in function str() and unicode() return a string representation of the object in byte string and unicode string respectively. This script introduces an enhanced version of str() and unicode() that could be used as handy functions to convert between byte string and unicode. This is especially useful in debugging when mixup of ...

Convert a string into a raw string

This script contains a function that takes in an arbitrary string and converts it into its raw string equivalent. It is very useful when a user needs to input text and you want the raw equivalent to be used and not the processed version. ...

Convert DB Fixed Width Output to CSV Format

This program takes an input of a fixed width database output file with a header names, dashes, and data and converts it into CSV data. The code assumes that the dashes represent the fixed-column widths. For simplicity, all quotes are removed from data and all columns are wrapped with quotes. ...

Convert string to hex

Convert string to hex script converts each char to hex representation and back. ...

Converting Between Different Naming Convetions

These short functions convert identifier names between the most common naming conventions: CapitalizedWords, mixedCase and under_scores. ...

Converting Word documents to text

Converting Word documents to text script allows you to convert word documents to text files. ...

Custom String Representations of Bases

Custom String Representations of Bases script allows you to make a number shorter(like timestamps in URLs). ...

Deeply applying str across a data structure

The str() function in the standard library behaves in a slightly weird way when applied against lists: on each element of the list, the repr() is appended. In contrast, this module provides a deep_str() that deeply applies str() across lists. This module also provides utilities to develop custom str() functions. ...

Design mini lanugage

This script uses Python's superb text handling capability to parse and build the data structure from the input text. ...