Text Management Python scripts - Top 4 Download

Text Management Python script downloads

Doctester for your documentation

The doctester extracts code from stdin and tests it using the doctest module in the standard library. It can be invoked from the command line, but it is best called from you editor of choice. ...

Expanding and Compressing Tabs

This script is useful when you want to convert tabs in a string to the appropriate number of spaces, or vice versa. ...

Extract verbatim texts from LaTeX file

This script extracts contents of all verbatim environments from the LaTeX file specified on command line. Modified LaTeX code with verbatiminput commands instead of verbatim is produced on the standard output. ...

Fill paragraph

This module contains a function that formats paragraphs of text to have a certain linewidth, optionally stretching lines to that width by filling word gaps with spaces. In other words, it does left-justified/word-wrapped and block formatted paragraphs. ...

Finding and Replacing Nemo

On each keystroke, all matches of the given text are highlighted, and the corresponding replacements are performed. Parts of the regular expression can be selected to make their scope appear in the original text. ...

Format a text block

This function formats a block of text. The text is broken into tokens. (Whitespace is NOT preserved.) The tokens are reassembled at the specified level of indentation and line width. A string is returned. ...

Good enough templating

This script allows you to try a small, powerful templating language using template strings embedded in standard Python syntax. Templates are valid Python source, compiled directly to bytecode. Variable substitution is performed using 'string.Template'. ...

Hierarchical Split

Hierarchical Split script is useful when you want to split a string more times, hierarchically. ...

HTML to text converter

This is a complete program that reads a html document and converts it to plain ASCII text. In the spirit of minimalism, this operates as a standard unix filter: htmltotext < foo.html > foo.txt . If the output is going to a terminal, then bold and underline are displayed on the ...

Implementing an Immutable Dictionary

This script represents the implementation of a dictionary, whose items cannot be reset or deleted, nor new can be added. ...

Indent text like email clients

Indent text like email clients script helps you to manage the text identation. ...

Indices of a SubString in a Given String

This script uses string.index(sub) function which returns a list of indices of ALL occurances of a substring in the string. ...

LaTeX codec

This script is a codec for converting unicodes to LaTeX markup and vice versa. ...

Marshal unicode strings with PyXML

If you want to serialize Python objects to XML then PyXML is a good choice. Except in the case when unicode strings come into play. In this case generic.Marshaller().dump() throws an ugly AttributeError: Marshaller instance has no attribute 'm_unicode' .This script extends both PyXML Marshaller and Unmarshaller to support the de-/serialization ...

Missing string functions

Missing string functions script introduces some functions to help you manage international text. ...

OpenOffice to xml and or text

This script converts OpenOffice documents to XML and text. It is useful when you want to index the contents of your documents written with OpenOffice. ...

Read a text file backwards

This script presents another way to read a file line by line, starting at the end. ...

Read a text file by paragraph

Text files are most often read by-line, with excellent direct Python support. Sometimes you need to use other units, such as the paragraph -- a sequence of non-empty lines separated by empty lines. Python doesn't support that directly, but, this script adds such functionality. ...

Record Jar Parser

This script presents you a method to parse a file like object containing data in the record jar format. ...