Programming Methods & Algorithms Python scripts - Top 4 Download

Programming Methods & Algorithms Python script downloads

Call a function method X times per second

This simple generator function is used to call a function X times per second. ...

Memory usage

Memory usage script provides a number of functions to get the memory usage of a Python application on Linux. ...

Length limited O 1 LRU Cache implementation

Length-limited O(1) LRU Cache implementation script is an implementation of a length-limited O(1ion scripue. ...

Extending the logging module

This script helps you in adding new format specifiers to the logging module. In this example, it's for the user name and the name of the function that logged the message. ...

Sieve of Eratosthenes

This script computes an infinite sequence of primes using simple generators. A Python dictionary is used to mark multiples of the generated primes, according to the Sieve of Eratosthenes. ...

Easily call executables from Python

One common aspect of programming is calling executables and processing results. It is not as easy or elegant to do this in Python as it is in a shell scripting language, such as bash. This script implements a shell-like module in Python which allows you to easily call executables and work ...

Fast select

This script allows you to quickly select the n-th rank ordered element of a given sequence. It modifies the ordering of the given sequence. ...

Docstring coverage

This script is a tool to examine lack of docstrings in a module. It prints a rundown of the classes, functions, and methods in the given module that have not been given a docstring. ...

Extensible object to XML converter

This function generates XML for any Python object through recursive functions. It is easy to add specific handlers for your own object types for more complex output options. ...

Public and protected attribute access

This script presents a way to introduce proper attribute access protection levels using a generic proxy object. By default all attributes are "protected" in the C sense and can be declared as public using either a function decorator or a class attribute. ...

How to Set Environment Variables

This script writes the environment variables using a batch file wrapper. It overcomes an operating system limitation. ...

Padding variable length sequences

Padding variable length sequences script returns a pad function that implements tuple unpacking. ...

Manipulating infinite lists

This script contains some useful functions which work on infinite lists, including generalized versions of map, filter, zip on gLists. ...

Symmetric data obfuscation using xor

This script can be conveniently used to obfuscate a string of data using simple xor without using any key. ...

Big file sorting

Big file sorting script allows you to sort big ASCII files. ...

Splitting up a sequence

This script allows you to split up a sequence in same-size (if possible) parts. ...

split and join

This script will split a file into several smaller files while at the same time hiding the original formatting of the file. The program has a primitive GUI design, allowing a small amount of interaction with the program. ...

A class keeps a reference to it s instance

This script implements a base class, which allows derived classes to track instances in self.__instances__. It uses a WeakValueDictionary to store instance references. ...

IPv4 address set type

IPv4 address set type script initializes an ip4range class.The constructor accepts an unlimited number of arguments that may either be tuples in the form (start,stop), integers, longs or strings, where start and stop in a tuple may also be of the form integer, long or string. Passing an integer or long ...


The "CookieInfo" and "Cookie" classes provide developers with an read-only interface to the "cookies.txt" that most browsers store. The CookieInfo class makes Cookie objects from the cookie file. It also provides methods to operate on the whole set of Cookies. The Cookie object provides methods to convert a cookie into both ...