Length limited O 1 LRU Cache implementation

Length-limited O(1) LRU Cache implementation 1.2

Length-limited O(1) LRU Cache implementation 1.2 Download Summary

  • Language: Python
  • Platform: Windows / Linux / Mac OS / BSD / Solaris
  • License: Other Free / Open Source License - Python License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 389
  • Released: Jun 6, 2007

Length-limited O(1) LRU Cache implementation 1.2 Description

Length-limited O(1) LRU Cache implementation script is an implementation of a length-limited O(1ion scripue.

Length-limited O(1) LRU Cache implementation 1.2 Keywords

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Separating Pattern Implementation from Your Code

This script separates pattern implementation from your code so that you can reuse the implementation elsewhere. It is an example that shows a reusable implementation of the Observer pattern. ...

Maintenance free Signals implementation

This is a signals implementation for python. It is similar to the pydispatch module. This implementation enables you to create Signals as members of classes, as globals, or as locals. You may connect any number of functions or class methods to any signal. Connections ...

Memoize Decorator with Timeout

... other memoize decorators in that it will only cache results for a period of time. It also provides a simple method of cleaning the cache of old entries via the .collect method. This will help prevent excessive or needless memory consumption. ...

Clean implementation for Ordered Dictionary

... the order in which items are added. This implementation uses much less code than the others by extending not well-known class DictMixin. ...

Caching decorator with timeout invalidation

... in a separate thread (for performance).It allows each cached function to (optionally) set a custom maximum age for entries, and allows individual cache entries to be selectiries, andlidated.This kind of caching ... your pages are dynamic enough that you can't cache the whole page, but would still like to cache individual functions that are used to build the ...