osCommerce Addons PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

osCommerce Addons PHP script downloads

Database Update Scripts

This is a small collection of simple PHP scripts that run SQL commands to update your oscommerce "products" table. Includes:Two scripts to update the quantities and prices in the "products" table from another table (useful for those who drop-ship and receive updated lists from a distributor).One script to update the "products_tax_class_id" ...

Date of Birth PullDown

This little contribution makes a pulldown menu to set the date of birth for customers.Normally users have to type in the exact date like the example, if not the user is not able to register and thuss will leave the site because he / she can't register. ...

Dead Easy Center Thingy

Quite a few people have asked me how I centered and bordered my osCommerce shop so I figured I'd throw this quick contribution together.I've also included a small file called rgb.html to help you choose the color for the border. ...

DealGates Pipeline

I've developped a second module linking Deal Gates and a Oscommerce based website.It is more easier to display your listing on DG and you do not need some special programming skills...How does it work ?- Define/Create a DG Pipeline- Copy "dealgates_pipeline.php" in the admin directory of your store- Setup to correct ...

Debug Help for Osc

when you have some problem with osc, the first need you have is to display value of a data or array...with this package, just add echo viewarray($myarray);to show a small iconit will display the value in a popup screen when you click debug display is set in admin so that you ...

Default Product Tax Class

The idea behind this modification is to allow you to choose the default tax class to use when entering new products. Most physical products sold by online stores are taxable and therefore it makes sense to set the tax class for each new product to the one used by most items ...

Default Search options in categories and Advanced

This Contribution will tell you how to adjust your files to allow you to change the default search criteria in the normal browse by category and the advanced search page.2 files need to be adjusted, instructions can be found in the attached zip and readme files. ...

Description in Product Listing

Allows to see a summary in product listing files.(after the snapshot (27/05/2003).You can manage the description in admin section. ...

Display Category Name In Main Content

This is a little mod that took me so long to work out (for what it is) that I couldn't not contribute it. I hope it's useful to some and at least unique.This mod will allow you to display the name of the current category or subcategory in the main page ...

Displaying Item subtotals in cart

This is a basic mod which changes the display in the shopping cart to show item subtotals in place of a list of item price, attribute price etc. ...

Domain name search

This allows a customer to search for, and then register a domain name from your site. Completely integrated into osCommerce. Developed on cvs2.2, but should work on earlier versions ...

Dreaded Error 404 on Login or Checkout

It is sometimes caused if you use a shared SSL, and the redirects somehow get corrupted. If you are certain that BOTH configure.php files are correct, try this!Log onto your server, and navigate to osCommerce/catalog/includes/functions/general.php. As with anything (but especially when working with php files), BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP. In case things ...

Download Membership Mod

Allows you to sell memberships to your download directory...simply mod your download.php file with the commented code changes..put membership in the Filename: area in the Products Attributes. Edit exclude files area as needed. Customers can then browse your directory and download files. Still a work in progress... Be sure in the ...

Dramatically Improve Search Speed

I finally figured out what was bogging down my database when searching for products. I had to post this. I have about 220,000 active products in my store seekshopping.com... parse time is at the bottom if anyone wants to checkout the performance.I have optimized so many queries and continue to monitor ...

dropdown menu for dob

Dropdown menu for dob when create an account. short and easy.I changed only one file : /catalog/create_account.phpThere was a problem with the previous (and probably also the original) file in this contribution. when installed, the customer would receive an error message if the create_account file were to call for itself, as ...

Dropdown Question Box for Create account screen

This contribution adds an additional dropdown field in the create_account.php screen.The coding in this particular one asks the customer where they heard about the store and has a dropdwon list including answers Search Engine, Magazine, Television etc.ALTHOUGH - This can be edited to ask whatever question you wish and give whatever ...

Duplicate Emails Order Number In Subject

Added the Order Number to the email subject header.Send the shop owner all emails that are sent to the customer.Activate the duplicate email for ordersThere are three things done in this documentation:-1. To add the Order Number to the email subject header.This change will insert the text " #nnnn" (where nnnn ...

E Mail Testing Script

This script sends out two identical emails; one via the native PHP mail() function, and a second via the email class osCommerce uses.This can be used when experiencing problems with emails being sent from osCommerce, to see if a problem exists on the PHP installation, or with osCommerce itself.The script overrides ...

Easy Call for Price

Easy Call for Price is an easy way to display “Call for Price!” whenever a product’s price is set to 0. Change a couple of values and you can also sell products for $0.00 and display "Call for Price!" for other products.Only TWO files to modify. Install time is less than ...

Easypopulate Data Checker

This is a simple command line PHP script that will scan through an easypopulate csv datafile and check for common errors. Most of the types of errors it looks for are the kind of typical cut and paste problems created when using a spreadsheet (duplicate product numbers, blank product numbers, duplicate ...