osCommerce Addons PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

osCommerce Addons PHP script downloads

Collapsible CSS Category Menu

This contribution caches the category tree as a serialized array. Upon each page call the script first checks to make sure the cache file exists and if so uses that data to populate the category tree. If the file does not exist it calls tep_get_categories(), sets the $tree array, and then ...

Column Sort Arrows

This simple mod replaces the /- symbols that are used to show the sort order on the product listing pages with small dark gray arrows. The provided arrows are transparent and should work with all color schemes. They could easily be replaced with your own arrows as well. ...

Combine checkout update button

No longer press update anymore if a customer changes the quentity from within the shopping cart en presses checkout immediately!Installation is really easy, it works for my shop, if you have any comments please feel free....Backup yourclasses/shopping_cart.phpclasses/includes/application_top.php ...

Combined login and create account page

Combined login and create account page.Simple mod which gives you a login box on top of your create account page.Pre-modded files and screenshot included in the package.- Fixed Error in Create_account i was getting cause i store some $variables in my session!---ERROR---Warning: reset() [function.reset]: Passed variable is not an array or ...

Contact Us More info on the page

Rather than just the email form, it contains the full postal address, telephone, fax and email linkImprovements: - corrected tabing order in the e-mail form - moved e-mail form to the right side of business information. - added COUNTRY field to the Address data - added Hours ...

Contact Us Email Subject

This contribution allows the customer to select a predefined email subject when submitting an email from the contact us page. When the email is sent, the selected subject is included as part of the subject of the email. The same functionality applies when an email is sent from the admin side ...

Contact Us Spam Issue Fixes

This is a file containing many of the possible solutions to the Contact Us form abuse issue. There are quite a few spread through out the forums and contribs so I condensed them into one. Missing are the original authors of the solutions. Feel free to modify or correct the file. ...

Contribution Switch

This is a little contribution to allow you to dynamically turn on and off features and contributions.You MUST have installed Version Control & Bookmark MODULE for Contributions 0.1.4It does require basic knowledge of PHP as you will need to adjust the code slightly when ever adding contributions you wish it to ...

Contributions Install Log Spreadsheet

If you would like a quick, and easy way to keep track of the many contributions you have installed, try this spreadsheet log. I use this and it is a huge time saver. Yes, I use SVN, but this just adds to my notes. Included in the download is just a ...

Cookie Password Protection addon

This is my first shot at protection for the admin directory for windows users has not been tested in *nix enviroments ...

Country Field Togle

This is a 3 step, Very simple mod to install. The mod allows you to togle the 'country' either to "Hide" it and disable the error trapping, or "Show" it, and enable the error trapping. ...

Create lowercase Password

This contribution creates a lowercase password when the user fills out the password_forgotten page.I found this to be useful because when the user is sent a new password it has lowercase and uppercase characters, which will make it difficult for the user to enter the password. Also since the password is ...

Breadcrumb Trail Page Title

A simple mod that changes the page title of catalog pages to mirror the breadcrumb trail.Created on the 8/28 snapshot. ...

Currency update

This script allows you to update your currencies automatically using a cron job.Instructions on how to install are included. ...

Custom HTTP Error Page

This will make any of those ugly 404, 401, etc. error pages disappear and be replaced with a simple error surrounded by your sexy oscommerce shop. Thus not leaving a potential customer stranded and no place to go!It is offerd only in English. But is language modular in design. ...

Customer Title Dropdown

This mod will add a Title dropdown box to all customer details pages including create_account, checkout_shipping_address, checkout_payment_address and admin/customers.***Also works with the Payment_without_account (PWA0.80) contribution!In addition to the title dropdowns, this mod upgrades any pages which display addresses to handle the new title information such as checkout_shipping, checkout_payment, checkout_confirmation, admin/invoice, admin/invoice ...

Customers By Date

Recently a client wanted to have the >Admin-Customers screen sorted in decending order by date created. This contribution explains the change to the catalog/admin/customers.php page that was required. ...

Customise New Products and Products displayed

This contribution allows you to easily modify the Product_new.php screen to show only the number of products and pages that you specify.These variables are easily set in the admin > configuration > Maximum Values section once the contribution is installed. ...

Database Admin

The Database Manager permits you to access your MySQL database directly through the oscommerce admin panel. Add, Alter, Drop, and Optimize Database tables from one file.All the code is self-contained within the script ...

Database Schema for DB Designer

This contribution intends to provide a schema of a database for database designer software.The first database designer software is : DBDesigner 4.0, provided as an Open Source software by fabFORCE (homepageMoreover, I documented all classes and relationship and provide an HTML documentation of the database.This contribution will be helpful for those ...