Easy Paypal Module is a module for MiaCMS, Mambo & Joomla, which allows users to incorporate Paypal into their sites the simplest possible way. Most of the time, we don't really need a full blown and complex shopping cart solutions. It's an overkill to install and maintain a shopping cart when ...
Micro Joomla Weather is a small and simple Joomla module which displays the actual weather information for the selected city. The script gets the information from the Yahoo weather portal RSS feed. ...
Amazon Omakasa ads are a new kind of ads from Amazon, where Amazon selects the product to show, based on the the specific site and page content and the user itself. This small module allows you to easily add Amazon Omakase ads to your own website. When you have installed the module, you must configure it. You ...
RokTextile is a Joomla! content mambot that provides Textile functionality for content. RokTextile uses TextilePHP by Jim Riggs of jimandlissa.com which in turn is a PHP implementation of the Textile shorthand syntax. Textile is used to create valid (X)HTML output without using HTML markup. It was originally developed by Dean Allen ...
The Asbru Web Content Editor includes two different sets of hyperlink and media dialog windowsBasic hyperlink and media dialog windowsThe basic dialog windows give users easy access to enter hyperlink and image attributes. Users can also select hyperlinks and images from a list of available hyperlinks and images.The basic dialog windows ...
JoomlaStart is a tool that will help you install/upgrade Joomla software much faster just by uploading one file on your server and running it!What do you have to do in order to install Joomla on your site by using our tool:-get our 1 file script and run it on your server What ...
XStandard Lite is a standards-compliant plug-in WYSIWYG editor for browser-based content management systems. The editor generates clean XHTML Strict or 1.1, uses CSS for formatting, and ensures the clean separation of content from presentation. Markup generated by XStandard meets the most demanding accessibility requirements. XStandard Lite is free for commercial use ...
Really easy to work with, highly secured. It doesn't matter how big is the database you want to export ot import, this component is able to manage it without any problems. NOTE: All files are saved in administrator/backups/ folder. If you want to restore a (import) a database. the SQL file ...
The module inserts the form of the interface of payment system with the field located inside for the sum of payment and revealing the list of currencies. Allows to accept payments in three currencies USD, EUR, RUR. In adjustments of the module it is possible to specify purpose of payment and ...
Joomnik is a gallery component for Joomla! CMS displaying multiple images of items grouped by albums. Each item has description and up to 10 information fields. In case of multilingual sites, common words can be translated in the compn case of multilingual sites,ed to translate album and item names and descriptions. ...
This plugin (mambot) creates a gallery inside content items by accessing all valid, unprotected, and published pictures inside a Zoom Media Gallery category that you designate. The Gallery created is tableless and based on Cascading Style Sheets ( CSS). The ZoomCat CSS can be modified from the plugin (mambot) parameter panel ...
A list of the features supported by exposé includes the following: * Nesting of albums and playing slide shows* Customizing the button icons and fonts* Customizig the layout and colors of the interface* Assigning audio commentary to individual imagesThe small footprint of the Flash clips and an intelligent loading of resources ...
Promo Link Package (component and module) is originally developed to support advertising campaign of a well known Seattle Kozak's restaurant. Just for filling out the form and referring a friend, the restaurant offered a free sandwich of choice. In addition one will receive 10% of their referred friend’s total restaurant bill. ...
JoomlaDesktop Installer is a free tool which will help you install Joomla in a more secure way, saving you time from corrupted installs! We have compiled the Joomla files into an executable Windows application, Virus Free, with the help of Ioncube Package Foundry!What you need to do is to save and ...
Furthermore by clicking on it, you got the exact percentage of illuminated Moon and the number of days lasting either to full or new phase. Good companion for astro-geeks, fishers, divers, farmers and believers of many sorts. Multilanguage supported. ...
Allows visitors to quickly and easily bookmark your site, the current page, and up to 3 other links defined by you. Very flexible. Works with IE, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, and other Gecko-based browsers. ...
This component is a fork of Akogallery, and it allows to manage movies for rent or actually at the theatres, and used together with component com_cinemalinks it is possible to associate a cards of the actors with simple static contents. ...
It allows users of your community to send private messages to each other. uddeIM wants to be simple and easy-to-use but it offers all the features you need in a private messaging system. uddeIM is open source and released under the GPL. It is available in many languages. ...