Miscellaneous Perl scripts - Top 4 Download

Miscellaneous Perl script downloads


It will try to locate *.pst files by searching the registry. If Outlook is running, the script will send a proper quit signal to Outlook, wait for it to close, back up the *.pst files, and then reopen Outlook.It works well with Outlook 2003 on Windows 2000 and Windows XP. What's ...

LDAP Users Admin

LDAP Users Admin is a Webmin module for those who use LDAP directories (like OpenLDAP) for user account information or as an e-mail address book. It will take care of common tasks such as getting an unused UID, editting address book fields and the like. Features:- Create, edit and delete Unix ...

ISBN Checker

ISBN Checker is a simple application that allows the user to enter a 10/13 digit ISBN and get information about the book associated with it. Information returned includes: title, author, ISBN-10/13, and an image of the book's cover. ...

Minimalist Queue Services

MQS (Minimalist Queue Services) is a minimalist queueing system in Free Software. The main purpose is to provide a set of basic methods in order to offer asynchronous messaging for program/application.Applications can use this type of services in order to store and retrieve message to dedicated queue in the queue services. ...


pipemore.pl is intended to be used as the last of a series of piped commands. It captures the data on the pipe (STDOUT) and displays it in a scrolled text window where you may search or save it. This has the advantage over more because when you close the window, the ...


Projinfo is designed to retrieve project's informations from web databases (currently freshmeat, sourceforge). It can be used to monitor project status (current release, subscriptions ...) ...

HTTP Cookie Library

HTTP Cookie Library is a Perl 4 and 5 compatible library which allows you to easily use Persistent Client State HTTP Cookies by allowing you to get the cookies from the environment, set cookies, cookies, compress multiple cookies into one, change the expiration date, domain and path, and more all with ...