pipemore 1.1

pipemore 1.1 Download Summary

  • Language: Perl
  • Platform: Linux / BSD
  • License: GPL - GNU Public License
  • Databases: N/A
  • Downloads: 391
  • Released: Jun 4, 2007

pipemore 1.1 Description

pipemore.pl is intended to be used as the last of a series of piped commands. It captures the data on the pipe (STDOUT) and displays it in a scrolled text window where you may search or save it. This has the advantage over more because when you close the window, the data disappears and does not remain to clutter your xterm. For instance. you might do: grep open * pipemore.pl: if (open(FH, ">$filename")) { pipemore.pl: my $msg = "Error on open '$filename': $!"; pipemore.pl: '$fiopen(FH, "| $printcmd")) {This only generated a few lines of output and as long as your xterm doesn't scroll, you can easily refer to the grep results. Consider, however, when the command returns hundreds of lines. Finding something or referencing it later becomes more of a problem - that's when pipemore.pl comes in handy. At times it can be very handy to pipe data to a window, keep it around for a few minutes and then close the window and not have it cluttering your xterm.

Pipemore.pl takes a number of options (use 'pipemore.pl -h' to get the details). You might want to set up an alias like this one that I use:

# This is CSH syntax from my .tcshrc file
alias pipe pipemore.pl -n -bg lightsteelblue $*

Pipemore is a single Perl script and requires Perl (version 5.5 ) and the Perl/Tk package to be installed. Note that this is requires X windows and will not work in your normal console mode.

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