Internet, Browsers & Tools JavaScript scripts - Top 4 Download

Internet, Browsers & Tools JavaScript script downloads

Cookie Enabled Pop Up

With this script the pop-ups will only open once per day or as desired by the users. This script will prevent the pop-ups from popping up every time your viewers move to the particular page that contains the script that opens the pop-up. It can be used in conjunction with any ...

Cool DHTML Tooltip II

This script allows you to add fancy tooltips with an "arrow" pointer. It works in IE4 , NS6 , and Opera 7 . The pointer image disappears if the tooltip is too close to the edges of the browser window. ...

Cursor Scroller

This scroller follows your mouse around, ensuring that the message it carries won't be missed by your visitors. And when that time comes for it to leave the scene, two methods are available to accomplishing its removal- either automatically after x seconds, or by double clicking your mouse. ...

Cursor Trailer Text

This DHTML script adds a trailing animated text to your mouse cursor. ...

Custom Location Bar

Using this script your viewers can go to any URL they want by just typing it in the text box on the webpage. After typing in the URL they must click the Go button. This script is especially useful when you add it to a pop-up window that has the 'Location Box' ...

Custom Tooltip

This script can help users by adding colourful tooltips to links. Usually the standard tooltips for most browsers is of a lightish yellow background with black font. ...

Daily iframe content II

This script loads a different page into an iframe daily, depending on the day of the month (1-31). You can use it to serve up daily, changing content, such as a "tip of the day." The script offers optional code to auto resize iframe based on height of content within.The script ...

Daily information feeder

This is a sophisticated JavaScript that displays daily bits of information to your visitors. Features: - Automatic rotation of messages to always display the current day's one.  - Each of the messages can optionally be linked to a URL (which is activated by clicking on the "More information" text).  ...

Delayed Pop Up

This script opens a pop-up window after a set amount of time that can be altered by the users to suit their needs. This pop-up would prove useful in attracting the attention of the visitors as it would pop-up when the visitors are busy perusing the page. Usually pop-ups open when ...

DHTML Select Menu

This script transforms ordinary SELECT elements on your page into custom DHTML drop down menus instead.The end result is a custom looking navigation menu based entirely on the SELECT menu's HTML. The original HTML is untouched as the script automatically goes about hiding the select menu while replacing that with its ...

Disable Right Click Jean Luc Hardy

It can be used to disable the mouse right click on an single page element or the entire page ...

Disable right mouse click script

This is a cross browser DHTML script that will prevent the default right menu from popping up when the right mouse is clicked on the web page.You could use it to stop surfers from easily saving your web page, viewing its source, or lifting images off your site when using either ...

Document frame script

Using DHTML and CSS, a document can actually be decorated with a frame, like a picture. Furthermore, the frame can be customized to your liking. ...

DOM Drag Drop script

This is a DOM drag and drop script that could be used on any relatively or absolutely positioned element on the page to make it instantly dragable. The script also fires three custom event handlers that let your page sense and react to the dragging in some fashion. ...

Double Combo

Double Combo is an advanced combo script that uses two boxes, one as the main categories, the other as the links associated with each category. The script can be easily implemented in any website and customized to suit your needs. ...

Double Combo with Description

Double Combo with Description script is an advanced combo script that uses two boxes, one as the main categories, the other as the links associated with each category. It adds a twist to the conventional double combo, by providing a textual description of each selection. ...

Dynamic Fader

This Dynamic Fader script gently brings into view various messages, then fades them out after a few seconds.It supports the display of HTML content (such as links), apart from plain text. ...

Dynamic FX Slide In Menu

Dynamic-Fx's slide-in menu will satisfy even the most demanding webmasters. Among it's long list of features are: - Ability to statically position menu on page, both x and y axis (as in demo), or simply inline - Support for loading link(s) in another frame or window - Support for ...

Dynamic Highlight link script

You can use this script to add a highlight effect to any link when the mouse passes over it, with the highlight color for each link fully customizable. It provides you a great way to add emphasis to particular links on your site! ...

Editable JavaScript TreeGrid

Editable JavaScript TreeGrid is DHTML component written in pure JavaScript to display and edit data in table, grid, tree view or grid with tree on HTML page. Main advantages to similar components are tree capability, advanced cell formulas and calculations like in MS Excel, various paging types to display nearly unlimited ...