Image Galleries PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

Image Galleries PHP script downloads


PikaTeka is a php-script that helps you organize your own personal photogallery. It is small and easy to install and use, but supports all modern standarts and technologies. ...


Apple Aperture is an application designed for professional photographers and helps them to manage their workflow. With Apple Aperture you can export selected pictures in different formats, however there is no way to share the entire library. But what if you wanted to give others access to your pictures? With PHPture ...


SPGM is a PHP script that displays picture galleries on the web. It is intended to provide a very simple way to set up online photo albums: creating directories, filling them with pictures and uploading to your website.It is massively configurable though, and you can tune the layout just as much ...

PHP ImageMapper

PHP ImageMapper is a simple form-based html imagemap making interface. It is usable on any graphical browser. If you install this script, you can make painless imagemaps anywhere. All code is contained in ONE .php file. ...


xGalleryx is a PHP script used to display pictures on the web. These pictures are sorted in galleries (arranged by the user), and it is, actually, the easiest, and simplest way to show up pictures on the net ! The basic setup process, unlike other PHP-based image galleries, is just 'upload ...


Target is PHP and AJAX application that allows the user to create one or more target areas over an image. The target area can be moved and resized. All information is stored in MYSQL via AJAX. History can be replayed via AJAX and JavaScript animation. ...

Snipe Gallery

Snipe Gallery is a PHP/mySQL image management system.It  features (but never limited to!): automatic watermarking, dynamic thumbnailing, online cropping/custom thumbnail tool, image dropshadows, custom "picture frames" and more! ...


phpMyPhotos is an answer to the need to quickly and easily share photographs over the internet. Its core goals are simplicity of use for the users, and ease of administration for the webmaster. With a requirement of PHP with GD libraries, the process of creating browsable directories of photosgraphs has been drastically simplified. ...


phpMyPicturesPro is a Web based tool (PHP) to generate static photo albums (HTML) out of the pictures and description files (opt.). No database needed. No PHP needed for loading/watching the resulting albums. Includes examples, templates and stylesheets. Several languages are available. ...

Pview php

Pview.php is a multilingual imagegallery script written in PHP. Users can configure how many thumbnails they see on one page and more configuration options will follow later. Also database support is on the way. ...


YAGS is a PHP program for viewing and managing photo galleries in the web. It has a simple installation and configuration. It supports exif-data from digital cameras. ...

Planeta B

Planeta B is PHP photo album. It is free, simple, really easy to use and powerful. It just needs three files, you not need to configure anything, just put your pics in the correct way and your albums will be automatically displayed, using a cute interface! ...


FitGallery is a powerfull and simple gallery engine written in PHP for showing images on the web with thumbnails. "Fit" means the thumbs are located on the page optimizing space as much as possible. The thumbnails are created automatically and stored. ...


Just3Files is a PHP web photo gallery that simplify the view of your folders of photos with its corresponding EXIF description (with autorotation and resize) by just putting in 3 files on your home folder! It is template-based (change of outlook), and no database is involved. ...


IMGallery2 is a dynamic image gallery. It provides an easy way to set up your own image gallery on free webservers but also include the gallery neatlessly in an existing website. ...


corePHPAlbum is an easy-to-use web-based photo gallery written in PHP. Just organize your images (jpg only) into a hierarchical structure... and it will do the rest. The best of corePHPAlbum: 1. No database and no compilation required 2. Carefree adding, deleting and moving folders 3. Configurable title, header and footer... 4. ...


LMCIMGGAL is a simple class, written in PHP, to publish fast and easy a full featured image gallery on your webpage. LMCIMGGAL use not the GD library. This is not a bug, it is a feature. ...


Exporia is a PHP photo album storing all the non-graphic data in MySQL. You can write and display comments on pictures in multi languages. Exporia's directory structure is streight-forward and it works with PHP's safe mode. ...


phAlbum sports an easy customizable look, and very powerfull features. With this one little file, you can make a whole photo album, very easily. Have it creat thumbs for you on the fly. (Requires GD Library) Features include: - unlimited directory sub-directory support - ignored files - only show ...


DivePix is a PHP driven image gallery with an easy setup. It is designed to work on any operating system, but using the Apache webserver. Requirements: · Apache Webserver 1.3.x · PHP 4.x ...