Image Effects scripts - Top 4 Download

Image Effects script downloads

Rippling image

Rippling image applet takes in any image and makes it ripple. The applet is compatible with all recent Java versions.It will work on any web browser. Rippling image applet can be easily customized to suit your needs by changing the appropriate parameters. ...

CFX JpegResize

CFX_JpegResize is a custom Cold Fusion tag that can resize JPG images. It takes a file from the server as input, performs a resize, and then saves the file to disk again. This tag will only work on a Windows platform. The resize can either be by a percentage scale factor, ...

Gradient Bar

This script is a demonstration of how visual effects can be generated using code- and code only. The gradient bar is constructed using lines of JavaScript code, not pixels of graphic.You can easily modify the bar's gradient colors, it's position and direction, all through the setting of a few variables. ...

Gradual Highlight Image Script II

Gradual-Highlight Image Script II includes a gradual fade-out effect when a mouse moves out of an a >gradual;/p ...

Depressible Image Link Script

This script makes an image link appear "depressed" as the mouse is held down on it. It is similar to rollover effects, only that the effect takes place when the mouse is down. ...

Snow Effect without images

Snow effects remain very popular on the web for decorative purposes.This script uses DIV tags to create this effect without using images. The result is a lightweight, hassle free experience. Note that while this script works in both IE5 and NS6 , it may run awkwardly in the later. Due to ...

Advanced Gallery script

This robust gallery script allows you to display and rotate entire blocks of HTML on demand. It displays images, text, or rich HTML in a dynamic manner. You can set the script to automatically cycle through the contents like in a scroller, or via manual selecting. Furthermore, the contents could be introduced ...

Multi image slideshow

Multi image slideshow can handle more than one set of image slides. The user can toggle between them through text links. As an added bonus, you can specify whether each slide is linked to a unique URL. ...

DS Zoom

DS Zoom displays a zoom effect between any image transition. ...

DS SlideLight

DS SlideLight script displays a slide-light effect between any images. ...

Flying Cupids script

Flying Cupids script allows you to summon a group of Cupids to circle aFlying Cour webpage and then disappear. It is a suitable accessory to put up during special occasions such as Valentines. ...

Preloaded Slide Show

Preloaded Slide Show  script is a straightforward image slideshow with a unique preload feature. The script "silently" caches the next image in line as you're viewing the current. This ensures a smooth transition between images without the script having to preload all participating images of the slideshow all at once. ...

DS Explode

DS Explode javascript displays an explode effect between any images. ...

DS BGLight

This script can move a light over the background. It includes a HTML code generator that allows to change parameters without any knowledge of JavaScript and HTML programming. ...


DS-BGFade script displays a fade effect between the background images. ...

Flying Apple

This script flys and animates a Mac Apple logo around your surfers' screen- and it only works in Netscape Communicator! It uses an interesting technique to break apart- then reassemble- the logo. Requirements: · Netscape Communicator ...

Drop shadows with PIL

Drop shadows with PIL script demonstrates the use of the Python Imaging Library to apply a gaussian blur drop shadow to an image. ...

Flexible Image Slideshow

This Image Slideshow incorporates some of the most user-requested features all into one neat package, such as optional hyperlinked images, random display order and stop slideshow after x iteration. Finally a JavaScript image slideshow that caters to your specific needs! The official feature list: - Each image can be optionally hyperlinked ...


ImageEffects lets you apply visual effects to images. It is designed specifically for web server use which means it is both multithreaded and exceptionally fast. We use a set of custom built libraries, each targeted at a specific processor, to ensure that your code runs the very fastest possible. ImageEffects has ...


ThumbShow javaScript lets you click on thumbnails to display full-size images on the same page. The clever part is that if your browser doesn't allow you to get or set elements of the documentimages array - or doesn't even have JavaScript - then it will still do something intelligent. If the ...