Image Galleries scripts - Top 4 Download

Image Galleries script downloads

JS Slideshow

JS-Slideshow allows you to create a slideshow with this script. It is not only useful for image presentation - you can view any HTML content. The script is compatible with all major web browsers and is very easy to install and use. It was tested with Internet Explorer, Netscape, Safari, Opera ...

Php Photo Album is an Open Source PHP script which allows you to create your personal Photo Album / Gallery in just seconds. All you need is a webspace with FTP access. No database is needed. After a few clicks with Installer you are ready to upload your photos, create new directories /galleries, ...

Pview php

Pview.php is a multilingual imagegallery script written in PHP. Users can configure how many thumbnails they see on one page and more configuration options will follow later. Also database support is on the way. ...

Web Picture Diary

Web Picture Diary is an image browser written in PHP which allows you to add comments to the pictures. The comments are stored in a MySQL database. You can browse pictures collections using a web based interface. ...


LMCIMGGAL is a simple class, written in PHP, to publish fast and easy a full featured image gallery on your webpage. LMCIMGGAL use not the GD library. This is not a bug, it is a feature. ...


corePHPAlbum is an easy-to-use web-based photo gallery written in PHP. Just organize your images (jpg only) into a hierarchical structure... and it will do the rest. The best of corePHPAlbum: 1. No database and no compilation required 2. Carefree adding, deleting and moving folders 3. Configurable title, header and footer... 4. ...


FlatGallery is a simple image gallery that requires no database backend. Users simply add images to a directory and FlatGallery will recognise this and produce thumbnails that are cached for later use.Producing thumbnails only when images ar added lessens the strain on servers that produce thumbnails "on the fly" for every ...

Drag n Drop Gallery

Drag'n'Drop Gallery is a free, simple gallery written in PHP. By simply dropping the gallery file into a directory filled with pictures, you can have an online Gallery Page without the need to install or configure any script. ...


LiveAlbum is PHP software for making public web albums from your pictures and video clips. It is very easy and quick to use. It supports user comments, themes and even can encode your video clips to DivX if your system supports it. ...


xGalleryx is a PHP script used to display pictures on the web. These pictures are sorted in galleries (arranged by the user), and it is, actually, the easiest, and simplest way to show up pictures on the net ! The basic setup process, unlike other PHP-based image galleries, is just 'upload ...


phpMyPhotos is an answer to the need to quickly and easily share photographs over the internet. Its core goals are simplicity of use for the users, and ease of administration for the webmaster. With a requirement of PHP with GD libraries, the process of creating browsable directories of photosgraphs has been drastically simplified. ...


YAGS is a PHP program for viewing and managing photo galleries in the web. It has a simple installation and configuration. It supports exif-data from digital cameras. ...


PikaTeka is a php-script that helps you organize your own personal photogallery. It is small and easy to install and use, but supports all modern standarts and technologies. ...


DivePix is a PHP driven image gallery with an easy setup. It is designed to work on any operating system, but using the Apache webserver. Requirements: · Apache Webserver 1.3.x · PHP 4.x ...

Planeta B

Planeta B is PHP photo album. It is free, simple, really easy to use and powerful. It just needs three files, you not need to configure anything, just put your pics in the correct way and your albums will be automatically displayed, using a cute interface! ...

FOSS Photo Gallery

The FOSS Gallery is a web based image gallery written in PHP that does not require a database. It has password protection to a administration page where you can upload and delete pictures. It will only show .jpg files in the gallery. ...

Juicy Photobook

Juicy Photobook is just another php mysql gd photobook/image gallery. It is developed on WAMP, aiming on multiplatform usage, also testing on LAMP. This photobook will feature many functions, multialbum, password protection, adding to multible albums. ...

Snipe Gallery

Snipe Gallery is a PHP/mySQL image management system.It  features (but never limited to!): automatic watermarking, dynamic thumbnailing, online cropping/custom thumbnail tool, image dropshadows, custom "picture frames" and more! ...

Concerto Viewer

The Concerto Viewer is a Javascript application that displays slideshows described in web-accessible XML files. The Viewer can be used both inline in an [X]HTML page or as a stand-alone application (which requires PHP). Features: - Caches images ahead for fast browsing - Media zooming - Multiple-sized versions of ...

Web photo album

This code provides a simple way to create web photo albums on the web. It avoids the generation of thumbnails by the user. For using this, you only need a web server with PHP. Then, you can put your photos or images in the photos directory and automatically, thumbails are created and dispayed ...