Image Galleries scripts - Top 4 Download

Image Galleries script downloads

HIOX Random Image Chooser

This free utility HRIC (HIOX Random Image Chooser) script helps you display random images every time the page gets loaded or on a visit.The list of images from which it has to be selected can be added in a text file. This is a utility written using php and javascript. Shows ...

Drawing rubberbands over a canvas

This class describes a generic method of drawing rubberbands on a wxPython canvas object (wxStaticBitmap, wxPanel etc) when the user presses the left mouse button and drags it over a rectangular area. It has methods to return the selected area by the user as a rectangular 4 tuple / Clear the ...

DS BGLight

This script can move a light over the background. It includes a HTML code generator that allows to change parameters without any knowledge of JavaScript and HTML programming. ...


This script contains some functions that when given a magnitude 'mag' between cmin and cmax, return a colour tuple (red, green, blue) on a 0 to 255 scale. The tuple can consist of strings (strRgb) as required in Tk calls, or integers (rgb) as required in Java applications. ...

PHP Photo Explorer

This is a useful PHP script that provides a online photo album. It even makes his own thumbs. Features: - No Database needed, - GD Support, - Convert (ImageMagick) Support, - slide show, - Place a text under a photo option ...


Ochiba is a web-based image gallery written in PHP. It's a hybrid of traditional "photo album" software, such as Gallery or Coppermine, and "image board" software, such as futaba, futallaby, and wakaba. In addition, it borrows concepts found in sources such as gmail and iPhoto to provide a flexible, keyword/tag based ...


Photoseek is a GPL web-based image cataloging and management system that uses both standard image comments and Adobe Photoshop (tm) type embedded description fields to catalog images. It uses PHP MySQL.PhotoSeek is a replacement for conventional media-management (read: photo filing) software, such as Cumulus. Features/Benefits - Reads Adobe Photoshop (tm) type ...

Juicy Photobook

Juicy Photobook is just another php mysql gd photobook/image gallery. It is developed on WAMP, aiming on multiplatform usage, also testing on LAMP. This photobook will feature many functions, multialbum, password protection, adding to multible albums. ...

Web photo album

This code provides a simple way to create web photo albums on the web. It avoids the generation of thumbnails by the user. For using this, you only need a web server with PHP. Then, you can put your photos or images in the photos directory and automatically, thumbails are created and dispayed ...


FlickrViewer allows you to view a Flickr photo set in SimpleViewer. SimpleViewer is a popular flash photo viewing tool, so FlickrViewer allows you to load photoyou to load photos from one of your flickr his. ...

DS SlideLight

DS SlideLight script displays a slide-light effect between any images. ...

Simple PHP Photo Gallery

It allows you to instantly create a photogallery, just by dragging and dropping your .JPG photos into the images folder. Features: - Automatically generates thumbnails - Customise Thumbnail size - Customise number of photos in each row - Title is set automatically based on folder name (Optionally set ...


PHPGallue is a server based Open Source image management system which uses PHP 5 and MySQL. It is designed to be efficient, scalable, extensible and flexible. Features: - It is designed to be capable of managing large amounts of images (say, 100,000). - It is server based and provides a ...

X Thumbs

X-Thumbs is a photogallery and directory browser in PHP using GD and EXIF plugins for PHP. ...

edit EXIF

edit-EXIF can be used to add or edit EXIF2.2 tags to existing JPEG image files. It is particularly useful in storing the exposure details for a photo scanned out of films. It is now a stand alone application implemented in PHP-GTK. Just unzip the release package. ...

Random Image Displayers

Random Image Displayer allows you to set up a list of images and then randomly display them as inlined images or background images.Called from a normal image tag, no Server Side Includes are necessary, however if you wish to have an alt tag, height, width, associated link and more associated with ...

Web Picture Diary

Web Picture Diary is an image browser written in PHP which allows you to add comments to the pictures. The comments are stored in a MySQL database. You can browse pictures collections using a web based interface. ...


Picaweb is a php application to help you to easily put pictures galeries on the web with the help of Picasa 2 (homepage to generate the pictures and thumbnails. Picasa2 has an xml web gallery export option. Picaweb parses this xml and render the html pages on the fly (with Smarty ...

w00t Gallery

PHP Community Image Gallery with easy to use design and extensive functionality. Users can search, rate, comment on and discuss images. It offers Detail, thumbnail and slideshow views. RSS feed, custom skins, user permissions and more. Requires MySQL database. ...

PHPPhoto Album

PHPPA is a PHP/Mysql photo album named PHP Photo Album. It is fully customizable with Themes/Layouts for easy uploading and managment of photos. Installation scripts are included. Plugins are easy to make. Support for Multiple Albums is included. ...