Image Galleries scripts - Top 4 Download

Image Galleries script downloads

Pview php

Pview.php is a multilingual imagegallery script written in PHP. Users can configure how many thumbnails they see on one page and more configuration options will follow later. Also database support is on the way. ...


pyAlbum is a simple command-line based, template driven, lightweight Python script to create an image album. ...

Pyxy gallery

Pyxy-gallery is an AJAX image gallery in PHP and JavaScript, which optionally uses lightbox.js. It is designed to be an ultra-light-weight, "drop-in" image gallery. Its features include: AJAX shininess Users can browse your pictures without leaving a page. This provides for a smoother, more continuous user experience. Pyxy also uses fragment ...

Random Image

Random Image is a simple php image script. Main Features: - can be used with/without 35mm Slide Gallery. - will randomize both directories and images within. - display size can be set by user. ...

Random Image Displayers

Random Image Displayer allows you to set up a list of images and then randomly display them as inlined images or background images.Called from a normal image tag, no Server Side Includes are necessary, however if you wish to have an alt tag, height, width, associated link and more associated with ...

Rippling image

Rippling image applet takes in any image and makes it ripple. The applet is compatible with all recent Java versions.It will work on any web browser. Rippling image applet can be easily customized to suit your needs by changing the appropriate parameters. ...


Rotoscope is a free software graphics program that can be used to give photos a cartoon-like appearance.This is similar to the technique used in movies like Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly. The technique is called rotoscoping. Requirements: · GTK ...

Simple PHP Photo Gallery

It allows you to instantly create a photogallery, just by dragging and dropping your .JPG photos into the images folder. Features: - Automatically generates thumbnails - Customise Thumbnail size - Customise number of photos in each row - Title is set automatically based on folder name (Optionally set ...

Snipe Gallery

Snipe Gallery is a PHP/mySQL image management system.It  features (but never limited to!): automatic watermarking, dynamic thumbnailing, online cropping/custom thumbnail tool, image dropshadows, custom "picture frames" and more! ...

Snow Effect without images

Snow effects remain very popular on the web for decorative purposes.This script uses DIV tags to create this effect without using images. The result is a lightweight, hassle free experience. Note that while this script works in both IE5 and NS6 , it may run awkwardly in the later. Due to ...


SPGM is a PHP script that displays picture galleries on the web. It is intended to provide a very simple way to set up online photo albums: creating directories, filling them with pictures and uploading to your website.It is massively configurable though, and you can tune the layout just as much ...

Stripchart Plotter

Stripchart Plotter script allows you to run an OpenGL Stripchart plotter for a user defined number of channels.It is a very simple implementation aimed to demonstrate the versatility of VPython. It can be much improved for a real application including interactive keyboard control of frame rate, plot position, etc. The script naturally ...


T1CFreeImage is a simple ATL component that creates PNG images on the fly. It draws lines and texts with a selected color and saves the rendered image to a file. The component can be used with ASP, Word, Excel and any other applications that support ActiveX. It's supplied with full source ...


Target is PHP and AJAX application that allows the user to create one or more target areas over an image. The target area can be moved and resized. All information is stored in MYSQL via AJAX. History can be replayed via AJAX and JavaScript animation. ...

Thickbox Gallery

Thickbox Gallery is a photo/music/video gallery application using PHP and JavaScripts. Lightbox, Highslide, Litebox, SmoothGallery, FrogJS or ClearBox can be applied as an effect library instead of ThickBox. Feature List - Thumbnails and screen-size images with/without watermarking on the fly - Uses GD, Netpbm or Imagemagick - Automatic ...


ThumbnailSelector() allows the user to dynamically select a region of an image, for example for later cropping with another prn image, iginally written as a front-end to pass cropping parameters to phpThumb(). ...

Thumbs Up

Use this script to create thumbnails of JPG, PNG, and GIF images. It requires PHP incl. GD library and optionally ImageMagick and MySQL. Thumbnails are cached to increase performance. If ImageMagick is installed, thumbnails will be created with ImageMagick because of the better quality. (Note: This script uses a system call ...


ThumbShow javaScript lets you click on thumbnails to display full-size images on the same page. The clever part is that if your browser doesn't allow you to get or set elements of the documentimages array - or doesn't even have JavaScript - then it will still do something intelligent. If the ...

Time based Progress Bar

This is a fully customizable "time based" progress bar. Set any duration (ie: 10 seconds) for the script to finish loading the bar. A great script to provide graphical countdown to any action that involves a delay before execution. Here are a few practical examples on using the script: - To ...

Translucent slideshow Script

In this slide show script images are animated in from the left edge, with a translucent effect applied during the process. Each image can be independently hyperlinked and with its own link target. ...