File Management scripts - Top 4 Download

File Management script downloads

PHP FTP File Manager

PHP & FTP File Manager is a Visual File Manager developed in PHP, JAVASCRIPT and AJAX. It accesses files using FTP, with no need to use PHP or other Server Side Scripting Language, it just needs the FTP user and password. It provides to the user a visual and intuitive interface. ...

PHP Navigator

This is a Web based open source file management system in PHP and AJAX. With Windows XP style & icons. You will feel you are on Windows!Features: - User friendly Explorer style navigation and view. Fully customizable. - Advanced AJAX & DOM to avoid reloading of the full page. ...


BitTorrent is file sharing software. You need four things to have BitTorrent work: a BitTorrent client, a BitTorrent tracker, a file to share, and a torrent file (made from the file to share.) The torrent file is placed where others can have access to it (i.e. a website.)PHPBTTracker is a bittorrent ...


PHPDirList is a simple, with low-configuration PHP directory indexer. Designed to be called automaticaly by Apache by adding an entry in .htaccess and to replace Apache's standard index pages. Aim is simple UI and simple code. ...

PHPFile Manager

phpFileManager is a complete filesystem management tool on a single file. Features: server info, directory tree, copy/move/delete/create/rename/edit/view/chmod files and folders, tar/zip/bzip/gzip, multiple uploads, shell/exec, works on linux/windows. ...


PHPFileManager7 is a PHP class. PFM is an easy to use files manager. It doesn't require a MySQL database. ...

PKZip library for PHP

PKZip library for PHP contains a set of functions to create PKZip (Winzip) files in PHP. ...

Private Peer2Peer

Private Peer2Peer (2P2P) is a PHP project that stores specified media of a community and allows those members to share files. Client must be installed on all members. What does 2P2P do? - Private File Sharing with only community members. - Securised connexion between all members of community. - ...

Progress bar class

Here is a little class that lets you present percent complete information in the form of a progress bar using the '#' character to represent completed portions, space to represent incomplete portions, and the actual percent done (rounded to integer) displayed in the middle:[############# 33% >   [##;             & nbsp;            ] When you initialize the class, ...

Python replacement for java util Properties

This script provides a quick and easy way to process Java properties files using pure Python. Of course, Jython can always be used, but in situations where Jython cannot be used, this recipe provides a sure-fire drop-in replacement.The Properties class is modelled to duplicate the behaviour of the original as closely ...

Quicken QIF file class and conversion

This script contains a simple class to represent a Quicken (QIF) file, and a parser to load a QIF file into a sequence of those classes. ...

Really Simple Backup

The script comes with a nice interface to restore data that can utilize text, '(c)dialog' or even 'Xdialog'.It will produce full backups, but utilizes hardlinks to minimize the needed disk space. All remote data transfer is done encrypted (ssh) and efficient (rsync).All runtime configuration is done with an easy and short ...

Recover files from damaged media

Files existing on damaged media (eg old CD-ROMs) are not completely lost. Often, readers will read sectors unreadable in other readers.The "trick" shown by this script is to merge the successful reads from several devices. ...

Recursive directory listing in HTML

This script contains a function that walks a directory path, listing the files and directories in HTML format. It can sometimes be handy to get a look at an entire directory tree, and HTML is a good way to display it. This script goes through the directory tree using os.path.walk in ...


This script search and replace files in a directory, recursively. File name and search string can be a regular expression.Execution can be simulated, step by step, and are always shown changed files/lines. ...

Relative filepath

This script returns a relative path to the target from either the current directory or an optional base directory. Base can be a directory specified either as absolute or relative to current directory. ...

Rename subdirectories of a directory tree

I needed to write a sed/awk Python equivalent for walking into a directory tree and renaming certain subdirectories, while also looking into all xml files on the way and replacing/modifying certain strings in those files.It would be nicer if someone could suggest an enhanced re.sub(regex, replacement, subject) where I could replace ...

Resuming download of a file

This script shows how to resume downloading of a file that has been partially downloaded from a web server. It's been tested with Apache 1.3.x, but should work with any web server that understands the "range" header.This script uses the extra header - "Range" to let the web server know that ...


This recipe allows you to update desired files in a directory tree. It needs to be run from the shell. Once you run it, it will ask you for: a) the "string" you want to insert in the file b) the extension of the files to update e.g: .html c) a ...

S3 browser

Amazon S3 is a reasonably priced data storage service. Ideal for off-site backups, archiving and other data storage needs. S3 browser is a server-side PHP application that lets you manage your S3 storage and data in it using a web browser. To use S3 browser you'll need a web server with ...