File sharing PHP scripts - Top 4 Download

File sharing PHP script downloads


It can also easily be configured as a MySQL database manager allowing table editing and running databse queries. Key features "AjaXplorer": File Manipulation: · Rename/Copy/Move/Delete/Download files or folders · Upload multiple files and track status with progress bar (Flash required and no homepage · Create folders and empty files · ...


BitTorrent is file sharing software. You need four things to have BitTorrent work: a BitTorrent client, a BitTorrent tracker, a file to share, and a torrent file (made from the file to share.) The torrent file is placed where others can have access to it (i.e. a website.)PHPBTTracker is a bittorrent ...


Epiware is an open source document management software (DMS ) that includes all the tools an organization needs to safely capture, manage, store, and share documents over the Internet. It is web based system written in PHP and uses MYSQL as the backend. Features: - Manage multiple projects - Calendar ...


TorrentTrader is a feature packed and highly customisable PHP/MySQL Based BitTorrent tracker.FEATURES LIST: Tracker Features: - Fully themeable (Three themes included) - Advance "completed by" information on all local torrents - User Agent (Client) detection  - 14 Languages included  - optimised announce.php and scrape.php codes ...


FileCloset is an easy-to-use, fast, database-less and lightweight web-based file sharing and managing system using PHP. It supports multiple users, it features a complete interface. ...


The idea of this project is to create a PHP & MySQL powered system of centralising files between people. It will include profiles, administration, automatic sighnup, editing of files, folder systems and search engine. ...


TBDEV.NET is a project to further enhance, update and develop a software (php peer-to-peer) from the original torrentbits/bytemonsoon source code. ...


HandyWap is a PHP/WML application that allows you to manage .torrent downloads. Currenlty, you can start/stop/delete/see status of torrents using a WAP browser. ...

Torrent Tracker

Torrent Tracker is a Perl and PHP-based '.torrent' tracker, with a web front end. It lets you or anyone else upload and download torrent files as well as monitoring the utilization of all torrents it knows of. ...


ByteHoard is a web-based application for remote file storage. Buzzwords aside, this means it allows you to upload and download files from a server via a web interface. It includes thumbnails for images, multiple database support, skinning support, directory support and much more. There are plenty of good FTP GUIs or ...


TorrentStrike is a PHP BitTorrent tracker based on TBDev. It includes phpbb forum, Graphical templates, Multilang, and integrated installer. ...


p2pDetect is a tool for monitoring p2p traffic on a network. It bases its analysis on patterns,known servers, ports, heuristics. Output files are in php format and can be remotely viewed with any web server. ...


VBTT is a customizable torrent tracker for vBulletin 3.0.x. & 3.6.x. It is available in TT backend style(VBTT 1.x.x) or with integrated tracker(VBTT 2 or VBTT 3). VBTT 3 uses PHP integrated tracker(smaller sites) or XBT backend style(large sites with SSH access) ...

PHP Direct Connect bot library

PHP Direct Connect bot library is a PHP library to facilate the creation of bots that communicate with Direct Connect hubs (DC , DCGUI etc.). It supports private messaging, main chat and interception of search terms. ...

Private Peer2Peer

Private Peer2Peer (2P2P) is a PHP project that stores specified media of a community and allows those members to share files. Client must be installed on all members. What does 2P2P do? - Private File Sharing with only community members. - Securised connexion between all members of community. - ...

php File System

php File System allows to share a file structure over the web, even in a restricted php environment -like most free providers have. All files and folders structure are stored in the database, and are accessible according to a per user entitlement mechanism. Each file can be downloaded, checked-out, checked back ...