HTML Tools scripts - Top 4 Download

HTML Tools script downloads

Simple Application of htmllib for Parsing HTML

This script shows: how to derive a class from NullWriter that accumulates text from the body of an HTML page, how to derive a class from HTMLParser that retains metatag information, how to instantiate these classes and display a typical result of using them. ...


SiteVision is a free, open source HTML editor and web development suite. It has a full-featured, highly customizable development environment that can be used to create, edit, validate, preview and publish web pages and scripts. SiteVision is also a multi-purpose tool that has support for many scripting and programming languages. SiteVision ...

Tree Perl

This script walks through a directory and builds a HTML list of all files. The files' title tags are taken as the linked text, and if there is no title tag, the filename is used. ...

Random Content colors

This script lets you randomly change the background color of select elements on your page, such as a DIV or table cell, each time the page loads. Not only that, you can optionally change the element's text and link color at the same time. It's a highly effective yet simple way to ...

z html

In this script two classes are provided, HTML_Table and HTML_Month. HTML_Table can manage the generation of a table in HTML format. HTML_Month builds on top of HTML_Table and expands on its capabilities. It allows to create dynamically tables that have the look of the selected month. Requirements: · z_matrix ...


Porqual is a website generator that manages documents using the Sesame RDF database and it has a rich web client on Flash, focused on usability and accesibility and integrated in the Semantic Web. It is programmed in Java, ActionScript and JavaScript. ...

Complete html editor

Complete html editor! javascript allows you to edit html tags. ...

HTML Page Scraping

HTML Page Scraping script allows you to scrap html pages. ...


The HTMLTags module defines a class for each valid HTML tag, written in uppercase letters. To create a piece of HTML, the general syntax is :  t = TAG(innerHTML, key1=val1,key2=val2,...) . ...

Grabbing text between HTML tags

Grabbing text between HTML tags script allows you to grab the text contained in various html tags. ...

HTML Parser for PHP

This is an open source HTML parser written in PHP. This parser also comes with a tool that converts HTML to text, as an example. This parser is designed for speed and flexibility. It does not create an object model for you. But it doesn't prevent you from using its results ...

Common HTML GUI Widgets

Common HTML GUI Widgets is a library for PHP that is used in every website that uses PHP and MySQL. It may speed up production of websites. It makes coding easier and aids the benefit for possible RAD envionment programs. ...


HTML2PHP API is a complete set of classes for building Web Systems according the W3C HTML 4.01 Specification, over 80 classes including methods for setting and getting VALID attributes, you won't write different versions of your site for correct browser rendering, you will be always using W3C HTML 4.01 specification, also ...

PHP Docbook Displayer

PHP Docbook Displayer provides XSL and CSS stylesheets, and PHP scripts, to generate easily and dynamically websites from Docbook files. It aims at simplifying to the max the web publication process : simply drop the docbook file under the site root ! ...


DHTML_LAYER script allows you to animate your website with the aid of DHTML. ...


makeHTML is a tool which helps the webmaster of complex web pages and allows the full control of the generated source. ...

Summarizing XHTML

This module provides a function to summarize a XHTML string - that is, shorten it so it is has no more than a given amount of words while keeping XHTML (or, hopefully, any XML) tags intact. ...

BGTSoftware SSC

The BGTSoftware SSC is a style-sheet creator that uses PHP, XHTML and JAVASCRIPT. It uses a nice graphical user interface that generates a hip and happening style-sheet customised to you, ready to use in minutes. ...

Using MSHTML to Parse HTML

MSHTML is the COM component used by Internet Explorer to parse HTML pages (since version 4 of IE). This script shows you how to use this component independently of IE. ...


info2html is a perl script which looks for a specific info node in an info file and translates it to HTML syntax.Link directives are translated in URLs pointing back to the server. Some icons are provided for link directives and cross references. infocat is a little front-end that gives an index ...